The Sleeping Curse

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Two weeks before i made the plan to kill Snow White. Sleeping Beauty just turned twenty one. Just moments now until she pricks her useless finger on a spinning wheel. Then i will be happy. I will have my revenge on Aurora for interfering with my plan when i was trying to kill her little prince. I don't know why i wanted to kill him, i just did. Maybe its how all the heroes always get a happy ending and i don't. I am just so sick of hearing how good there life are. It just makes me so mad!

"Madame" i turned around.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I am so irritated with Carl. He never says excuse me! I kidnapped Carl about five years ago because he stumbled into my castle hoping to try to kill me, so i thought i would teach him a little lesson about respect and so i put a curse on him making him fall under my command. He isn't that bad of an employee, he is always there when i call for him, but i guess he doesn't really have a choice, i mean i do control him.

"Umm, the sleeping curse has been enacted."

I felt so relieved. "So everything is going fine right, no interruptions of our little princess's slumber?"

"Well not yet. There is a little um..."


"Apparently Aurora has a savior of some sort. There is a prince on his way to the castle who is going to try to undo the curse."

"Well no worries, because he is going to fail no mortal human being can undo that curse."

"He has magic."


"Yes my majesty, i know."

"Carl, will you please leave me alone for a cookie of seconds.

"Of course madame."

Carl closed the tall red doors gently as if he was afraid to make a sound. I turned around facing a large mirror that stretches all the way from way above my head to the bottom of my toes. "Mirror mirror on the wall take me to the prince who seeks to undo it all." Soon my reflection turned into a face of a skinny man with long eyelashes and dark brown hair.

"Yes my majesty. I shall do as you wish."

I closed my eyes waiting for my mirror to transport me to Auroras savior, so that i can kill him and have Sleeping beauty's sleep last forever.

I opened my eyes. I was in the middle of the forest. It will be only a couple of minutes until the prince will arrive at this exact place in the forest and i will end him. I must hide behind a tree or something so i can use the moment of surprise to help me.

I heard something brush against the trees. I heard galloping of horses.

"Prince Phillip, we are halfway to our destination" said a tall thin man with reddish orange hair. He wore a black pair of probably brand new sweat pants,  a thick leather belt with what looked like to be pure silver as the buckle, and leather cowboy boots.

"Charles, do you think we should stop and make camp?" There stood before me was probably Prince Phillip. His long brown hair knotted and tangled, his armor laid on his horse, probably very uncomfortable and heavy, that is why he took them off. Unarmed, I thought, unprotected, it would be perfect if they made camp here because then I could take them out when they where asleep.

"Your majesty" he paused for a second, "I don't feel like it is safe here."

Do they know about me here? Are they going to try to escape? Are they going to try to kill me?

"My dear Charles, what do you mean?

"Phillip, ever since we stopped here, i felt like someone has been watching our every move."

Good, i though, they don't know that I am here, just someone named Charles suspects something, but prince Phillip doesn't seem to care much. He was always an oblivious boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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