Chapter 15

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Ok, I am updated again, cause I felt bad leaving you like tht, Sooooo enjoy the update, and dez chubby cheeks. ( ='.'=)



     I felt soo stupid, I had let Teal kiss me. It wasn't because I felt any attraction to him, just because I could see he was hurting and I wanted to help. Damn my heart. It always gets me in trouble. I ran after Ash. 

"Ash Wait!!" He ignored me and locked himself in our bathroom. 

"Ash let me in please! Let me explain." I started banging on the door. 

"Please Ashy." I whimpered. He wouldn't open the door. My heart shattered. 

I felt my eyes swell with tears and I ran outside and hugged the mailbox. I pulled my knees up to my chest and lenaed against the mailbox crying. 

"Hey Jason, what's wrong?" Brittany asked.  I looked up at her and my eyes filled with tears again. She sat down next to me. 

"Look, Jason, You know I love you, but...." 

"But what?" I asked weakly. 

"I have to do this." She reached over to me and put a cloth over my mouth. I thrashed wildly trying to get away from her and felt myself sinking into unconsciousness. 

"It's ok Jason, everything will be ok, just fall asleep." She cooed. My eyes closed and everything went black. 



     My emotions were all over the place. I didn't know why Jason made me feel like this, it was an emotion I could only totally describe as love. I wanted him, but he was with Ash, and I had no choice but to accept that. I had went to talk to Ash and I saw Jason outside. I switched directions and headed for the front door. I saw him get pulled into a car and the driver drove away. I knew who the driver was. I had to save Jason, but I would need Ash's help. I ran back to the bathroom.

"ASH! Open the door!! Jason is in trouble!!" 



    How could he do that? How could Jason cheat on me. I know I deserved it for cheating on him, but I love him, he shouldn't be with anyone else. I guess it's true what they say. Karma IS a bitch. 

"Ash!! Open the door!! Jason is in trouble!!!" 

I heard Teal yelling through the door. What if he was lying? What if he wasn't? I got up off the door and unlocked the door. Teal came bursting through the door and grabbed my arm. He tried to pull me, but I resisted. I didn't trust him. He kissed my man. I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Look, I know you are mad with me, but look, I kissed Jason, he didn't do anything. But right now, we don't have time for this. Jason has been kidnapped we have to go now!"

I blinked in disbelief. Who would dare touch my precious Jason? I felt a hand smack across my face. 

"You dick! JASON IS IN TROUBLE AND YOU ARE SITTING THERE! I WASTED TIME COMING TO YOU!" My cheek stung and I watched him run away. Guilt settled into my heart. I had been acting like an asshole, I would make it up to Jason, I'd save him. I ran after Teal and told him to get in my car. 

   Teal told me who took Jason. Brittany, that bitch, how dare she do this to Jason? Where was she? I scanned the road looking for her car. I spotted it parked near an alley. I stopped the car and Teal and I ran into the alley looking for Jason. He had to be here. He had to be here somewhere. I heard screaming and ran toward the sound. I opened the door and gasped at the sight. 


   Brittany and Jason were tied up to a pole. There feet were bundled in chains and her mother and sister were in a metal cage and they had chains on their hands holding them to the wall and chains on their necks holding them against the wall. 

I rushed over to Jason and Brittany and tried to free them. I freed both of their hands, but their feet were left chained to the pole.  It was impossible, to free their feet without the keys. 

"Brittany how could you do this!?!!" I yelled at her. 

"S-she, took my family." Brittany choked out. 

My heart was beating hard in my chest and Jason's eyes fluttered open. His eyes filled with tears and I crashed him to my chest and hungrily, passionately kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my neck trying to bring me closer to him. 

"Ah, Brittany, you have brought them both to me. Good girl, I will not release you or your family. You would blab, and we can't have my secret getting out."

I gapped at the woman behind it all. 

"How could you do this to us? You're my mom!!!" I yelled angrily at her. 

"Ash, I love you, you know that. It sickens me to know you are gay. You can never be my son, I love you, but you can never be my son. I've been living with you for a while. I've been Martha for quite a while. It was sickening to be with your father again. Plus looking completely different and talking completely different was the hardest thing in my plan. Why, your friend here, did all the work for me. You can thank my employer for this, he persuaded me to do this. It was just enough money. Just enough for me. It's funny, you know, Ash I would have killed you with or without the money. I would have crushed you for being the faggot you are, and you wanted to go with me, didn't you?" 

My heart skipped a beat as I thought of ways to get out of here. I didn't have any. I fell to the floor and reached eagerly for Jason bringing him to my chest. 

"It's ok." I cooed. "I'll get us out of here."  The door burst open. 

       "Clarissa! Get the fuck away from my boys!"  I looked in the direction of the lady. It was Jason's mom. Shawn and Derek were right behind her. 

"You have taken everything from me, but you will not take my son, you dirty, money grabbing whorey, bitch!" His mom ran to my mom and tackled her to the ground. Shawn and Derek grabbed the keys from my mom and started unlocking everyone. I kissed Jason and ran to my mother. I was going to take this bitch down. The same one who raised me, lied to me, and tried to kill my boyfriend, friends and I. I ran into her and heard a gun being fired. My breath caught in my throat as I looked in the direction of the bullet. My heart thumped in my chest as I watched Jason's mother fall to the ground. 

Jason ran to me and hugged me. I pulled him to my chest as he cried. 

"Don't move, or I'll shoot to kill." She pointed the gun at us. My heart started thumping again. She pulled the trigger and he jumped infront of me. Successfully taking the bullet for me. My heart broke as I looked at the crumpled body laying infront of me. I growled at my mother before tackling her to the ground.


Omg what happened? Who took the bullet for Ash? :O Won't find out till next time.... Sorry, I know you hate me, but don't worry. Things will get better for Ashy and Jason, if they both live.... DUN DUN DUN!!!!  yeah, soo byesies mes fluffy cookies... <3

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