[6] worse to wear.

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6; worse to wear.
"I'm not a shrink.


    Octavia had enough thoughts running through her mind to last her lifetime. She was  in shock, she couldn't think clearly, and she was not going to unleash her inner thoughts with Brenda. That would like suicide in a thinking process. Tell the girl a secret, and she was bound to make it into a bigger ordeal than necessary. She didn't need to have the girl more scared, especially after seeing all they did today. The girl was already almost pissing herself with fright. Why scare her any more?

"Is Madison even home?"

"I hope so." 

Her thoughts shifting to the plan. If she wasn't there, the desert was the next place they would find them. But, that could take days to find them. Especially if they had already left for it. But, Octavia wasn't going to think like that. They still had time, plus, she is sure that they wouldn't leave without after inviting her to join them. That would be like a date gone wrong - get asked out, and then get bailed on. She wasn't that type of girl to take it easy. 

Her hands had tightened on the steering wheel, she could see the veins clearly like her skin was a pasty white. But, that was because of the grip she had. Her eyes flickered from one side of the street to the other, her eyes peeled for the house that the Clarks' live. 

It's been a few years since the last time she had been there. She would never tell someone other than Madison why she had come over. It was in high school which were her worst years. She didn't really know where she was heading in life, and she felt hopeless. Talking to Madison was the only way to help her push through her messed up thoughts. One time she came over to her house, Madison let her help her around - cleaning things up, helping her next door neighbor with their garden, and more. It was a soothing time, the opposite of what it was now. 

As she drove down the road towards the Clarks, sounds of gunfire and screams echoes.

"Did you hear that?"

Octavia nods, her hands turning the wheel to the side of the road. Her sight stopped on the familiar truck that was parked outside of the house. "That's Travis' truck."

Brenda stares at the truck, then towards the house where another round went off. 

"Oh, shit -", Hearing the gunfire, the engine to the car cut off; Octavia curses under her breath and removes the seatbelt from around her and clambers out of the truck. Her hand closed the door behind her and she pulled out the crowbar that was sitting beside her. Spinning on her feet, she runs to the house. "Brenda get the gun!"

She didn't even hear Brenda behind her, her own mind going wild as she steps towards the door that was ajar. Her hand pushes it, her other hand gripping tightly to the crowbar. She could hear voices inside, some familiar and some unfamiliar. Someone was breaking in, she took a step forward, the door opening wider slowly as she glances behind her at Brenda. 

The girl was gripping the gun in her hands, shaking visibly.

"Madison?" She calls out, her feet walking more into the small hallway of the entry way. She cautiously looked around, hearing the voices quieten, and footsteps coming their way. 

The gun was drawn up in Brenda's hands, and Octavia held the crowbar in her hands ready to defend herself - when the familiar faces show up.

The blonde woman looked visibly worried, but her eyes showed relief. "Octavia." She breathes out, causing the two girls to relax, the woman walking over to Octavia and pulling her into a hug. The younger girl had gripped her back, but pulled back when Madison turns to her fiancé. "It's okay. It's just Octavia." Her eyes resting on Brenda, a sense of familiarity swimming in her eyes.

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