Its the morning violetta was eating breakfast with her dad and suddenly the front door bell rang.
Violetta thinks: it was .. it was him .. him.. leon
Olga: umm hi there who are you?
Violetta ran to the door
Violetta:umm olga could you leave us for a second pls.
Olga :wait there a seceode who is this guy is there some thing going onand I don't know about it.
Violetta: no no leon is just my friend
Olga turned to leon
Olga:you leon guy becarfull I won't let you hert my little cute baby violetta
Leon: don't worry madam I will not hert violetta
Olga went
Leon : hey violetta I wanted to know what happened yesterday.
Violetta : actually ..
Violetta dad interups
Herman :exuse me but who is this guy and what about yesterday violetta I need to know the truth now.
Violetta: dad do you really don't trust me and spy on me.
Leon : um sir castio this is my falt I can explain this right now
Violetta : no you don't have to do that leon
Herman : fine I'll go away but we need to talk later on.
Herman left
Leon :you have a wonderfull family that takes care of you.
Violetta yes thank you,so why did you come?
Leon: I got you the paper I would like you to join the studio on beat.
Violetta: but why
Leon: because yesterday I was ocoming to talk to you hen suddenly I heard a piano ,then a lovley voice I knew it was you and you earn to come to the studio
Violetta: thanks for the offer but I know i can't my father won't let me.
Leon :take it and try maybe I see you at the studio.
Violetta: thanks
Leon: bye
Violetta: bye
Violetta closed the door and went near herman.
Violettia : hey dad can I start taking lessons at the studio on beat its my life and I'm growing up
Herman: sure I will let you if you give me a hug
Violetta:come on dad you always say no ugh (she left the room and came back in)wait did you just say yes.
Herman smiles: of course
violetta and ludmila
Randomvioletta and ludmila are sisters but some thing happend'find out more .hope you'll engoy