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Violetta went to the studio and leon ran towards her.

Leon: violetta are you going to start taking lessons here (leon saying it so much happy)


They were but so exited that leon hugged her but then he started epologizing but the true moment happened violetta hugged him back a leon knew that she's the one he loves and he wants her a part of his life but for know its a little early to ask her for now she needs some space to learn.

Later that day violetta was writing her diary

Dear diary
Today was an amazing day.I know I met the person who will take care of me and I hugged him.
But there was a girl that I think I already knew her name was some thing like ludmilla.
I read it in mums diary that when me and ludmila were born they seperatied us and that means ludmila is my sister.
But she's not good she's a supernova.
I don't know im confused

From violetta

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