Chapter 10- The Red Kiss

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The cold howl of Northern wind sounded from outside of the desolate chamber as Ramsay silently knelt down before Eve's unmoving body. He quickly took in the frightening sight of her lips—a pallid blue from the unforgiving frost. He scooped her up franticly, inhaling sharply as he realized her body felt stone-cold.

In the corner, a pained whimper escaped the quivering form of Reek as he fearfully watched his master lift the dying girl and cover her with his thick winter-coat. Ramsay cursed loudly, refusing to turn his back to look at the cowering man.

"Fetch some torches, Reek. I'll deal with you later...Go now," He hissed lowly as he tightly held Eve's cold body as close as possible to his own warmth. Reek immediately staggered upwards and urgently ran to attain the torches for his master.

Now alone, Ramsay stared into Eve's pale and ghoulish face. His chest felt heavy, his heart pumping rapidly as his limbs shook. The cold was not the culprit—no—his entire body was quaking uncontrollably at the thought of losing Eve...At the very danger that she would leave his side...Forever. He was more than afraid. He didn't want to be alone...

"Wake up, your eyes..." Ramsay whispered in growing desperation. He felt a twitch in his jaw as he somehow grew angry. She was not allowed to be sick...She was not permitted to die. His face grew into a grimace as he placed a warm hand onto her cold cheek. He couldn't recall a time when he hadn't seen a blush on her silly face.

"You will live..." He said more to himself than the limp form before him. He turned quickly at the sound of light-footed boots hitting the cold gravel ground from behind.

His repugnant servant had returned. Shaking in fear, Reek approached hastily, carrying two bulky torches. Ramsay's wild blue eyes flashed as he took in the hopeful sight of dense swaying flames at the heads of each torch. Reek quickly handed his master a torch before nervously setting the other in an empty steel holster on the nearby wall. Cowering, Reek dashed to the corner of the room to leave his furious master and the fading girl in peace.

Bringing the torch closer to Eve's icy body, Ramsay carefully raised it above her chest and held it there as he restlessly took in her faint breathing. His head lowered as his thoughts turned destructive. Those Greyjoy pieces of shit...that Greyjoy bitch. They had gone out of their way to leave Eve in Moat Cailin to diminish in one of the most painful and wretched ways possible—a slow and devastating death by winter's frozen clutches. And the worst thing about such an act...was that Eve would have been all alone...

His father's orders had brought him to Moat Cailin in a miraculous circumstance which had led him right back to his beloved. If the Gods did exist, he should have been mindlessly singing them praise in this moment. But they did not exist—he made his own destiny—and he planned on Eve being a part of that destiny until the very bitter end. He would take Eve to the grave if he had to...He would go mad—more mad—without her by his side. But right now, her lips were blue. So blue and so cold...

"I don't want to be alone," He whispered lowly as the flames danced across Eve's pale flesh. His voice seemed to waver as he bitterly clenched the torch, bringing it even closer to her frigid body.

As the wind continued to howl outside, Ramsay leaned over Eve before gently grasping her wrist between his fingers. He felt for a pulse—anything—for what seemed to be an eternity. Finally, he felt it—a fragile beating beneath her skin. She was still alive, although her breath and pulse were faint.

"You silly girl..." He carefully put her wrist down before inhaling deeply. Ramsay Snow did not cry—tears were for the weak or feebler creatures like women. His sweet Eve would be fine. He would ensure her safety.

"Reek, fetch some blankets. Wool blankets," Ramsay's voice cut through the relative silence, his face hidden from view as Reek quickly obeyed, scurrying off to find some blankets for his master.

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