Chapter 12- Run From Innocence

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"It will grow back, my dear," Ramsay teased for nearly the tenth time that morning. He had to admit, despite being quite the patient man, he was growing ever so aggravated with all of Eve's wasted fussing. It wasn't as if she had to worry over appearances. Her body was his to do with as he pleased, and it was currently in no need of her girlish attempts at preservation. He rolled his eyes in spite as she failed to respond to his taunt, staring in silent shock at her reflection. Of all the things that had happened to her, she was worrying over a matter so trivial. Women. Ramsay scoffed before turning his back and retreating to the table at the far end of the bedchambers, temporarily leaving the girl to her vexing behaviors in peace.

Eve frowned at the reflection in the mirror. A bruised and scratched face stared back at her with a bewildered expression as her hands shakily rose to touch her newly cut hair. It was shorter than it had ever been in her entire life, the curls sitting awkwardly above her collarbone. It felt lighter, freer—scarier. All these years Ramsay had not once let her cut or even braid the long locks and now that the burdensome length was suddenly gone she felt free and terribly exposed all at once. The wound on her patched-up ankle remained in terrible pain, yet she could not help but discount it, twisting and turning her head in awe at the short-haired young woman in the mirror. The curls bounced with every shift of her head, causing a small smile to tug at her previously downturned lips. Perhaps she would not grow her hair back to its former length. Eve continued to turn her head to each side, watching with a smile as the flaxen locks freely swished back and forth.

Ramsay watched on in mild amusement as Eve entertained herself with her newly chopped locks. The blonde quickly swished her curly mop of hair back and forth, much like a hound would after an encounter with water. In that moment, he wondered if the girl had also taken a blow to the head in the forest as well. At least she was smiling instead of bursting into tears over the less than ideal change...Although he wouldn't mind the latter—he loved hearing the distinct notes of all her noises. Standing from his chair, he approached the smiling young girl, his ominous figure appearing in the mirror behind her, blue eyes locking onto hers in the reflection.

"You seem happy," He stated simply with a pleased smirk of his own. Eve snorted under her breath as Ramsay gently pulled at a curl before releasing it, causing it to recoil playfully. She bit her lip before her eyes wandered to her lap. She frowned as her eyes met the deep scratches that traced her arms before exhaling shakily.

"I would like to keep it this length..." She slowly glanced up at Ramsay's reflection in the mirror, nervously awaiting his response. She froze, watching as his hands furtively moved to her neck in the mirror. His warm fingers traced the beginnings of her spine and she shivered at the deep chuckle which rumbled from behind her.

"I rather like it," A single finger trailed down the exposed flesh at the nape of her neck, sending another jolt through her frame. Eve flinched away from the unsettling sensation, wondering whether Ramsay was being earnest or merely teasing.

"Really?" She clenched the fabric of her dress, praying that Ramsay's wandering hand would retreat. She desperately wanted to rise from her seat and flee the room, but fear and a small spark of dark curiosity kept her tethered in place, almost excitedly awaiting Ramsay's next move.

"Really," Ramsay whispered playfully, hot breath tickling the nape of her neck before he withdrew with a dark chuckle. She sighed in relief, not possessing the strength to deal with Ramsay's spontaneous advances. An unexpected feeling of disappointment stirred within her chest despite the relief. Did she truly want Ramsay to have his wicked way? After years of avoiding it and praying that she would escape such acts, did she reallywant Ramsay to have her body? She grit her teeth in silence, not knowing what was left in life under such circumstances.

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