2) Typical Monday

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•Chapter two •

My alarm awoke me this morning at half past six. I took a shower and went to wake Emma up.

Unfortunately last night she didn't sleep so well so she was pretty grumpy .

"Emma which one do you wanna wear the pink dress or your derby jersey ?" I felt like I had asked her the same question ten times. She was tired and crying and I really really, couldn't deal with it. Especially, since I had to take her to the sitter in a half hour and at this pace we'd be late .

I didn't send her to nursery . Mostly because the sitter was so much cheaper but also I was too protective I didn't want anyone bullying her or anything , and plus Louis (the sitter) is one of my best mates so I completely trust him.

Emma shrugged and looked really distressed, I really need to set a bedtime for her and just stick to it!

"Okay Emma arms up "

I put on the pink dress , whether she liked it or not.

I made myself and her some toast and filled up her beaker and a bag full of things she'd need. We ate in the kitchen in silence and then off we headed.

"Thanks Lou , i'll be back at six today."

My boss had me work different hours every day I had 9-5 Monday to Wednesday as well as every secondly Saturday,  8-3 Thursday and Friday and thankfully Sunday I was off. I worked as a mechanic for a small business, I studied engineering in college but I couldn't find any work .

The buzz of the engine and the sounds of the cars surrounding my own was all I heard during my hour journey to work.

"Martin" I said greeting my co-worker .

I walked into the small room that held the 'uniforms' I guess you could called them that , and I pulled mine up over my clothes.

I went out to garage one and took a look at the van I had been repairing yesterday, it needed a full service and had to be done by five today .

I took out the iPad and set it up on the stand allowing it to record everything I was doing (we done this all the time and emailed the videos to our customers, so they knew exactly what we were doing to their vehicles) .

"Hi , my name is Niall and I'll be servicing your vehicle today" I said to the iPad in a monotone voice .

I moved the iPad to another stand so it could view what I was doing .
I checked for oil and put some more in . I added water to the tank, and took a good look at the engine. The van was only manufactured this year so it was in very good condition. I changed all four tires , and did a few other things before I had lunch .

We had one break when we worked nine to five.

I grabbed a salad sandwich from the cafeteria and a cup of coffee, I sat down beside Martin and Ryan, my coworkers .

Martin was thirty but was very immature and Ryan was twenty - eight . I was the youngest worker in the garage -being twenty five- , well apart from the apprentices and interns.

"Niall how ya doing ?" Ryan asked .

"Im grand, yourself ?"

"Yah yah I'm good , have a date with the misses tonight"

Martin and I laughed . 'The misses' was a bartender named Lucy. She worked at the local pub and was twenty three , she only recently started working there and every chance Ryan had he'd hit on her. He was obsessed, anyway she finally gave in and let him take her out with the promise that hed leave her alone if she did. Like that was gonna happen.

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