4) Halloween

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• Chapter Four •

"Okay done"

Emma turned and looked at herself in the mirror examining the handmade costume I had put together. I had seen it on Tumblr and thought it was hilarious so I thought I'd try it out .

"Daddy what am I ?" Emma asked .

"A crazy cat woman" I replied.

She smiled "Okay". I patted her head and lifted her in to the kitchen.

"Okay before we go trick or treating, were gonna eat something" I said to myself more than anyone else . I turned around to find Emma with her hand stuffed into a bowl of candy I had ready for the trick or treaters.

"Emma, real food" I said taking the bowl off her .


Ugh thank god, after two and a half hours of trick or treating, with my high on candy toddler we were finally home.

"Emma I'm- I grabbed her bag of candy, she had already eaten enough and I prefer if she'd sleep tonight.

"No no no daddy no thats my candy gimme it back no now" Emma rambled.

I stood still the quietness in the apartment taking over . I said nothing just listened . Emma gave me that 'what are you doing' look.

"I thought I heard something" I said .

Then I heard what sounded like someone moving. I grabbed Emma and placed her behind me . She gripped legs and I handed her back her bag of candy, seeing as if there was an intruder I'd like to be able to use both my hands.

I didn't know what to do, was I supposed to call out 'who's there ?' like they do in stereotypical halloween themed movies. Or, was I supposed to stand here and wait for the supposed 'killer' to come.

I turned around and quickly placed Emma on the counter. She looked frightened and confused. "I grabbed her bag from trick of treating and spilled the candy on to the counter. "Its okay baby" I kissed her forehead "stay here eat some candy okay"

I couldn't care less about her not sleeping tonight , it was her safety as well as mine I was concerned about.

She seemed to forget about what was bothering her and dug her hands into all her well deserved candy and chocolate.

I went over to the cutlery drawer, and took out a large knife . I know, I know
a) how stereotypical can this get ?
b) your a grown man what are you doing walking into a war zone with a big ass knife ?

A) I know right and b) eh I don't wanna die tonight and neither does my three year old .

I walked towards the bathroom which is were I assumed the sound had come from. I stayed close to the wall gently shuffling towards the bathroom . When I was about a foot from the door I jumped from the wall standing right in front of the open door. Seeing nothing, as of yet , I went closer.

I subtly looked through the side parts of the door to make sure no one was behind it. I took a good look around the bathroom, now that I was fully inside . The bathroom was averaged size for a small apartment.

"Shhh he might here us" I heard someone say .

What the hell ?

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