Old memorys

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Aphmau' s p.o.v
I just finished my daily routine of checking on all the villagers I sat down on my bed 'what do I do know?' I wondered I pulled out a box from under my bed labeled 'old memories' I pulled out a photo of me and the others in the bamboo forest the place where we started out I continued to look at all the photos tears started pouring down my cheeks I pulled my knees to my chest and started sobbing into them
Garroth's p.o.v
I walked up to lady Aphmau's house and herd sobbing I rushed inside up to her bedroom door I knocked "go away please" Aphmau sobbed "lady Aphmau Is something the matter?" I asked she didn't answer I herd footsteps I turned around to see Laurence "what's wrong with Aphmau?" Laurence asked I shrugged I knocked on the door again it was silent too silent I opened the door and rushed in Laurence followed behind I looked around the room to see a window open I rushed forward to see Aphmau running into the forest "come on Laurence we need to find out what's up" I said jumping out of the window
Aphmau' s p.o.v
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me "lady Aphmau!" Laurence yelled 'great now Laurence is chasing me' I thought I pulled out my backpack and rummaged through it I still had two potions from lucinda a invisibility potion and a speed 1 potion "I'm sorry guys but I can't tell anyone!" I yelled drinking the speed potion my speed increased by a little but it was enough "Lady Aphmau!" Garroth yelled I saw vines ahead I climbed them quickly I saw Garroth and Laurence start to climb I pulled out my diamond sword and cut the vines they fell I sat down on the leaves knowing they would get me soon I started sobbing again "lady Aphmau please" Garroth said I sighed "fine but no one else must know about this ok?" I said "yes if it can stop you from acting crazy" Laurence said I climbed down "let's head back to my place" I said
Sly's p.o.v
I landed in front of the hall "HOW DID YOU BLOW UP MY CHICKEN COOP?!" Castor yelled I sighed "well with TNT of course" Steven replied I rushed in knowing this wouldn't end well "hey hey hey what's going on here?!" I asked "mr white lantern over here BLEW UP MY CHICKEN COOP" castor explained I sighed in frustration "it's not just 'your' chicken coop!" Steven yelled "ENOUGH!!" I yelled they stopped arguing "what would Jess think of this!?" I asked their faces turned from angry to upset Jess was the glue that kept this team together Stevens face changed back to angry "she's a traitor! All she left was her hammer and put out her podium!" Steven yelled Pbat and Kala ran in "Jess's *pant* hammer *pant* talking!" Kala said in between breaths "wait her hammer is talking?!" I asked Pbat nodded "then let's go!" Steven yelled we ran over to Asgard and went to the room where her hammer laid Alex stood there "......Aphmau........Lord..........village.......evil...." It said "it keeps repeating it over and over again" Alex explained "well we are just gonna have to find her then" I said "everyone get their flying rings" Alex stepped forward "um sly we don't know where this village is" Alex explained "maybe you could ask the hammer?" Kala suggested I sighed "oh great hammer where is Jess?" I asked it didn't answer "use her other name?" Alex suggested "oh great hammer where is Aphmau?" I asked "p.....h.......o......e......n....i........x........d......r......o.......p" the Hammer said "well" castor said "so should we meet at rent a swag for people who can't fly?" Kala asked motioning towards castor "right well I'll get Jose then and someone get Katz" I said I walked out side I took off flying in the direction of Jose base.
Aphmau's p.o.v
We sat down the the basement area of my home I held the box of photos I opened it and pulled out the photo of me and the others in the bamboo forest I handed the photo to Garroth "who are these people?" Garroth asked "they are my 'super' friends we made up the few" I explained "there names?" Laurence asked "Sly,Katz,Steven,Alex,Jose" I explained pointing them out I pulled out another photo of me and Castor building the chicken coop "isn't that the chicken shaman?" Laurence asked I shook my head "probably a  relative of something" I said I handed them a photo of all of us infront of the Hall Of Justice "so why did you not want us to know about this?" Garroth asked I sighed "I am one of them we are heroes I am lady Thor" I explained "stars started falling and my hammer Mjölnir started talking so I put out my podium and left my hammer then stumbled upon this village" I explained "well...." Laurence said "we won't tell a soul" Garroth I nodded "thank you guys" I said they stood up "good night my lord" Garroth said they walked off I put my head against the table and wrapped my arms around my head "mommy what's wrong?" Levin asked I lifted my head up to see levin army legs "nothing and shouldn't you be in bed it's like 9:00 pm" I said "I herd you and them talking so I came down" Levin explained I smiled I picked him up "how about I tuck you in?" I asked walking out of the basement. I tucked levin in and quietly closed the door I walked into my room and flopped down onto my bed I soon fell into a dreamless sleep
--time skip--
Sly's p.o.v
We met up at rent a swag "ok guys we are gonna fly in err south west direction" I said everyone equipped there flying wings we took off into the air we flew for like 5 hours "can we stop PLEASE!!" Castor called "no not unless you want to have a bath in the ocean!" I said "sly!" Alex called I looked up "what's up superman?" I asked "I see docks!" Alex called "I looked ahead "come on guys just a little further!"I called we finally landed Castor collapsed as soon as we did "next time we are taking a boat" Castor complained I shook my head and sighed I looked up at the hill to see a white and purple house 'who lives there?' I wondered "HALT!" Someone called I turned to see a blond head with blue eyes wearing guard uniform wielding a diamond shield and sword,a sandy haired guy with light blue eyes wearing the same uniform wielding a emerald shield and emerald sword and finally a guy with blue hair with light blue eyes wearing the same armour and wielding two katana's "Dante get lady Aphmau" one of them said the one with blue hair nodded and ran up the stairs towards the house "wait did you say Aphmau?" Castor asked stepping forward they looked at one another they stepped forward not backing down "whoa whoa whoa hang on a minute!" I said "we as heroes can't hurt the innocent in this case you" the didn't answer "ugh Garroth, Laurence, Dante what's going on here!" A voice said I turned to see Jess "Jess!" I called "SLY?!" Aphmau called rushing up to us bringing us into a group hug "what are you guys doing here?" Jess asked "your hammer is talking" Kala said "um lady Aphmau are these the people in the photos you showed us?" Laurence asked "and why are they calling you Jess?" Garroth asked "um it might be easier if we go inside no one else in the village is awake" Jess said we walked up the hill we were greeted by little kids "mommy who are these people?" A small blond boy asked "these are mummy's friends go get Malachi and I'll explain" Aphmau said the little boy ran up the stairs "ok since when do you have kids?!" I asked "levin was left at my door step as a baby and Malachi was trapped in a castle as a troubled spirt so I helped him and now I'm their mum" Aphmau explained I turned to the others they shrugged we sat down at the table "do you guys have to wear your suits?" Aphmau asked I took my helmet off "better?" I asked Jess nodded "mum who are these people?" A small boy asked who I am assuming is Malachi "Malachi, levin these are my friends Sly,Kala,Pbat,Alex,Steven,Katz,castor and Jose" Jess explained pointing us out  levin walked up to me and pointed towards my helmet "it's my helmet" I said putting it back on "anyway guys these are my guards Laurence,Garroth and Dante" Jess explained pointing them out I nodded
Ok welcome this new book and as I said in my last book I'm bad at ending chapters or books so your just gonna have to put up with me haha any thechimaster out I'll see you later Chi-lings

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