meeting HIM

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??? POV.

"What are you and who are you?!?" She freaked 'rude much?' I thought, I'm not ugly I'm I? Ha no! "I could ask you the same." I said back

".......storm dragon...." She said

"Your name?" I asked the h/c girl of course I knew her name, i just
.......I don't know.

"Y/n storm" she said

"Well nice to meet you in person y/n, I'm bill, bill Cipher. I'm a dream demon." I said

"You look like a cool ranch dorito to me." Y/n said

Me a dorito? Pppffffttt nah. She looks like a cloud to me....umm cloud that's a good name for her

"Ummm....hello?" She asked

"Sorry cloud but I got to go" I said. I snapped my fingers and poofed away to __________ (is that how it works? Idk I'm clueless)

Your POV.

In a blink of an eye he was gone. (hehe see what I did there? No....okay): ) I just just shrugged it off and flew into the sky again. I the sudden I hear a voice......a male voice. (one of thoughs squinting your eyes moments -_- XD) "Mabel, duck!"" Duck? WHERE?!" I assume this 'Mabel' girl said. I looked down to see a girl and a boy about my age, (in human form....whitch is 15) the girl was looking around looking for that "duck" he was talking about. She had brown hair, and was wearing some kind of sweater with a star on it.....? Something like that, and a purple skirt, while the boy had the same hair color as her but wearing a blue and white hat...he had a blue vest and a orange shirt on, and a pair on grey shorts. "Mabel!!" He shouted

Dippers POV.

I was walking until I saw something in the sky, I quickly looked up. My eyes widen "Mabel duck!" I yelled at her "duck, WHERE?!" She yelled, I put my hand on her head and shoved her down into the ground. "Hey! What was that fo- dipper what is that? She asked " I don't know, but it seen us. The ground just had a little earthquake... That's weird. "D-d-dipper!" Mabel said I looked at her and she was looking a different way, I looked at where she was staring.. It was there, my eyes widen.

(Haha cliffhanger for you~~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Bye my peoples!!)

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