Chapter 7

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"Huh?" [Name]'s mouth dropped open at Akane's confession. It was one that was completely unexpected. Dread twisted in her stomach. Another abuser? Was she harboring an abusive murderer?

[Name] decided there and then that Itachi was bad news, and he had to go.

"Please stay away from him," Akane pleaded in her deep voice, breaking [Name]'s train of thought.

[Name] nodded in agreement. "You don't have to tell me on that one. Man, I'm not about to get smacked..." she trailed off before clamping her mouth shut. She almost revealed her secret about Sai.

"Smacked...?" Akane prodded for her to continue.

"Yeah, smacked around," [Name] quickly said.

Now that they were on the subject of Itachi, it would be a good idea for her to tell Akane about how they met. Akane would flip out and yell at her out of concern, due to her boisterous and upbeat personality. Added with her slim build of tall height at five feet and nine inches, she seemed an intimidating person. Although, genetics didn't seem to grant Akane much in the chest department.

"Akane..." [Name] slowly began. "I have something to tell you and you may not like it at all."

"What? You're dating Itachi?" Akane's eyes widened, her mind going to the worst assumption.

[Name] shook her head furiously to the point it dizzied her. "Hell to the no! I have no interest in him. Promise." Well, not in the romantic sense anyways, but more of a curiosity to be satisfied, she thought.

Akane breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. Because he's bad news. So what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Wait. Did you report this to the police back then?" [Name] suddenly asked.

Her friend suddenly looked nervous and glanced away. "Uh... no."

"What?! Why not? He physically hit you!" [Name] exclaimed loudly before she was quickly shushed by Akane.

"Not so loud," she hissed, looking around. She calmed down a few seconds after. "I didn't even have proof back then. All I had were the physical bruises, but then what? It might as well be anyone else who hit me."

[Name] understood where she was coming from, except [Name] refused to speak out against Sai. Sai always held a potential piece of information over her head that could cost her. It was from fear that she would be permanently kicked from the Underground. But now he was dead, and [Name] couldn't help but feel relief and a twinge of sadness.

Shaking off the creeping feeling, [Name] said softly, "Yeah. I get it."

Akane gave her a funny look. "You do?"

[Name] cleared her throat and smiled. "I mean, I get what you're saying, you know? But how did you get to leave him?"

The red-headed girl held a distant, blank look. "I didn't leave. He did."

[Name] blinked at her surprising reply. "He... did? Well, wasn't that good for you then?" She hoped Akane would explain further, although she knew Akane wouldn't. At least, not now.

"Yes, it was around the time when I first came to the Underground."

[Name] recalled the very first time she met Akane with her shoulder-length hair, looking skittish and dirtied. Now it made complete sense on why she acted the way she did.

Akane smiled gently and said, "But you know, I moved on. I found my eternal love in Deidara. I should totally hook you up with his friends!" She suddenly squealed, startling [Name].

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