Chapter 4

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Later that night after I took a shower and put on my cookie monster PJ's I went on my laptop that I brought with me and sent a skpye invite to one of  my best friend Emma. As I waited for her to accept I ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of sour skittles. On the way back up the stairs my mom called me back down into the living room. I sat down on the couch next to her then she started to talk saying

"I'm sorry sweetheart I haven't been here with you I've just been busy with your dad and his work. So tomorrow me and you are going into town and go shopping at this mall they have down here. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes mom that sounds like so much fun."

"Ok tomorrow we'll leave at noon so we can have lunch at the mall.Sound good?"

"Sounds great."

She grabs my head and gives me a kiss on the forehead then tells me goodnight.When I get back upstairs I see my beautiful friends face on my laptop screen looking very bored.I take a seat on my bed and yell


Which scares her and sends her flying off her bed she stumbles back on her bed and yells at me saying

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT IT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME?! Oh yeah and where were you i accept your invite to skpe and have been waiting here for the past five minutes? OH HOWS YOUR TRIP?! Meet and cute guys" She says while wiggling her eyebrows at the last part.

M"Geez one question at a time!"

E"OK sorry answer them please now!"

M"OK for one your fun to scare two i was talking to my mom three it beautiful and four YES!"

E" Is there one overparticular?"

M"why yes there is."I say while opening my bag of sour skittle and shoving a hand full into my mouth.

E"Well tell me everything about him."

M"Well his name is Liam Payne he has beautiful chocolate brown eyes that you get lost in when you look into them he has the most perfect smile that lights up his whole face sexy voice the most perfect muscler and tan body ever most nicest and perfect personality ever."

E"Can I him?"She says with a laugh"He sounds hot and i mean hot just by your description."

M" NO!!! He's mine or someones Else's i don't know but this afternoon he came over."


M"Yes today he came over and brought me to the beach and taught me how to play fut-ball and we came back to my house and had popcorn and watched a movie."


M"What the heck are you talking about we haven't even been on one date yet?"

E"whatever you two are getting married its getting late and i have to go bye text you later bye."

I said bye and got off of skpe and went on tumblr to see the latest news after being on tumblr for awhile i looked at the clock and it was midnight so i shut off my laptop. As i put my laptop on my night stand my iphone started to vibrated that was on the night stand to I picked it up and it was a text from Liam saying Sweet dreams have a goodnight. I reply-ed saying I'll try night

I'm sorry guys I haven't updated in awhile

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