Chapter Four!<33

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Beauty P.O.V

"Great job Beauty..!" Raymond said as I smiled.

"Yeah Yeah thanks,"

"So this stuff will be sold quick eh?" He asked me and I nodded. I had his phone still and me and Raymond are planning on pranking celebrities!

"Yeah, Can we prank call now?"

"Not intill,Lara gets here," Lara is one of my best friends I mean the only girl I ever been friends with. She is tallish with long red haor freckles and blue eyes. All the guys like her alot she is nice funny super sweet.

"MOMMAS HERE," Lara yelled as we laughed.

"Hey soo we are gonna prank call now,"I said happily. We all agreed on calling one of hes bandmates 'Niall' we are gonna say Nail instead of Niall. So it would be funny!

We picked Niall and it rang for a while and he answered.

"Hello," A British husky voice said, I thought Nial was irish?

"Hello, this is the men strip club owner,"I said trying not too giggle. I put the phone on speaker.


"You didn't pay the last time you came so we need that money today or the police will come and get your arse," I said.

"Uhh what?" Is all he said

"Yes please meet me by the Starbucks near forth and fifth avenue too give us the 1, 000 dollars you owe us,"

"I think you have the wrong number,"

"Nope, isn't your name uhh Nail Whorean,"

"Uh no its Harry Styles, and my band mate name is Niall Horan And--," I cut him off.

"Bring the money or your arse goes to jail," I said and hung up the phone.

We laughed our asses off! I was the only British one in the family its weird.

"jahhahahh That was hilarious!" Lara said as we nodded crazily in agreement.

We called a few more other people and it was hilarious!

I had to leave because we were all hungry for mc Donalds and Starbucks! Urgh I hate driving but its for my good friends right ehh i dont know.


I put some music on and the sound of J Cole Power Trip came on. I really wasnt a fan of any music like for example One direction, Lara loves one direction! Sometimes she gets on my nerves with them.

I Got lost in my own world for awhile when the light turn red. I pushed the gas once the red light turned green and one car went...shit! The car crashed into me and I blacked out ....


Cliff hanger sorry xD

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