Chapter Three (:<33

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"Okay We have everything ready to go?" I asked as he nodded.. we had disguise. I had a mustache and a bald cap and brown contacts. Yes call us crazy! Raymond weared, a wig that had long brown hair, he had makeup on from me and high heels, he was dressed as a waiter.

"This will be interesting!" Raymond said as I nodded in agreement. Me and Raymond usually do this when celebrities are around LA Hollywood which is most of the time thats how we make a living....dont judge us! We are roommates and earn a lot of money with celebrity items that we sell on us Crazy.

Anyways I got into my car and drove too where the after party is..which is not far from my house.

"Lets do this!" I yelled as we laughed.


"So how are we going to get in?" I asked.

Raymond sneaked around the bodyguard. He spoke up and Said... "Hi im Rachel the new waitress sorry im terribly late!" He said in a high pitched voice.

"Nope your not on the list," The bodyguard said in a deep voice.

"Ohh there must be a mistake," Raymond said punching the bodyguard which knocked him cold.

"Raymond!" I said punching his side. We went is wow..there was all kinds of celebrities there dancing and so much ratchet white girls ew.

"BEAUTY YOU LOOK FOR ONE DIRECTION!" Raymond said. How the hell am I suppose to find them I didn't even know how they look! Im gonna uh just Google them..I saw five boys okay thats easy there gonna stand out. I didnt have time to search there names..because well I just didn't.

"Oh god get the hell out of my way peasants!" I heard some voice say as I faceplamed myself.. I found the one that stand out the most, the blonde one. The VIP section was easy to get to though. He got up and left..leaving his phone. Jack Pot! Then me and Raymond could give prank calls tp random celebrities! Awesome! Anyways I pulled of my disguise and threw it away.

I quickly snatched his phone and put it in my purse.

"Hey! 'What are you doing with MY Phone?" The curly haired kid asked he was one of the members in the band. I thought it was that blonde ones phone.

"Uhh thats my phone," I said lieing . He was obviously drunk.

"You look pretty cute let me take you home," He asked.

"Uhh im good," I said maybe I should go just..just to steal some of his stuff! Yeah that will be a huge JACKPOT!

"C'mon I don't bite.." Harry said. I hesitated before

I took his hand.

I found Raymond and gave him the phone he gave me a confused look and I smirked. And went back with the curly haired kid. I mean im not gonna have you know what with him im going to his house just to steal his stuff. Well some of his stuff.

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We arrived at a house not too small it was actually a huge house..

We got out and I smiled at him. He smirked and grabbed me by the waist I pushed him and he had a confused face ._. really.

Anyways he was on his bed pouring his fillings at me well I took some stuff.

"I..I been dreaming about this girl and I don't even know her!" He shudder out while crying. Why crying?

"Uhh um oh," I said I didn't say anything because I been dreaming of a boy I didn't even know either.

"Harry!" I heard that voice that said 'Move peasants',

"Louis Im in here," Crap...!

"Oh sorry did I interrupt anything?" ^Louis^ said as I freaked out.

"No..,ahh Harry thanks for having me here but its getting late I better go,"


I stole all kinds of stuff Raymond and me are gonna get some money! -

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