Part Three - Daniel

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My head hurt and I could hear a soft continuous beeping. My throat felt as though I hadn't drunk in days. Slowly the darkness in my mind edged away. Fire. I'm on fire. I jumped with a start my eyes open wide swatting at the flames on my arms. But there were none, there weren't even burns, they looked like my arms did everyday. I stared in confusion, flipping them over repeatedly to make sure there was no damage, running my hands up and down my arms. How is this possible? I looked around. It was a large room, half of it was curtained off, my half had a large window gazing out at a fair sized courtyard with green grass and colourful flowers. There were also flowers in my room beside the window in a small store bought holder.
Guess I've had visitors.

My bed was a bit small and had guard rails on either side and on the wall next to the head of my bed was medical charts along with a blinking computer showing my heartbeat. Well that explains the beeping. The sun's rays were shining in the window, looking to my right I saw a small table with a beautiful sight on top. Bottled water. I grabbed at it, quickly unscrewing it, raising it to my lips I drank thirstily, swallowing too fast for my dried throat I choked and coughed spitting out whatever what I'd had in my mouth. Annoyed, I raised it again and drank slowly, until I could finally chug the way I so badly desired. It felt amazing, already I was feeling better. Now what happened?
I dug through my memory, the last thing I remembered was a blazing ceiling falling in on me. "Hi there Mr. Young, I'm Doctor Marshall. It's nice to see you awake, how do you feel?" I glanced up seeing a handsome young doctor with short black hair, thick rimmed glasses and a light blue shirt and navy tie under his white over coat.
"Hey doc, I feel great actually. Minus the parade up here." I said tapping my head. "How long have I been out? What happened to me?" I questioned.
"Well," he began, a curious look crossing over his face. "You've been asleep for about fifteen hours now. As for what happened... Well, it seems you were trapped inside a burning building... It took the fire marshals a while to even find where you were but a young lady was firm that you were inside." He looked down flipping over a page on his clipboard.
"It seems you somehow sustained no injuries. Now I don't know if you believe in miracles Mr. Young, but it seems as though someone was watching over you."

He left after informing me he was going to run a few more tests then I'd be in my way. My parents burst in the room. Mother was crying, her eyes bluer than normal and her blonde hair normally always carefully done was a mess. My father stood close behind with a look of concern on his face, his hands on his hips. His age showed on his face and his slowly fading grey hair was on end.

They snuck me in some real food for lunch in secret which the nurse gave a disapproving look to me when she saw me finishing it. I just shrugged. Not too long after, I was released. The warm air hit me and I took a second to admire the bright day. According to my parents people had tossed sound the word hero about me. And after seeing the newspaper, that's what they'd written, "Hero Hospitalized After Hellish Saving". The girl was apparently okay.

Walking down the pathway to our vehicle the only thing I could think of was. Why didn't I burn?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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