First Impressions

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[Jungkook's POV]
We've been married for a year. We've been trying to have a kid in the mean time. We finished school and we thought we were ready for a kid. We really wanted a baby, it didn't matter if it was a girl or boy. We'd love it no matter what. It was morning time, we were in bed and (y/n) woke up. "Jagiya, Good Morning!" I smiled and hugged her. "I'm glad that no matter what happened we stuck together." She said. "Huh? OH, that... Same here! I wonder how they're doing now." I said. I ran my hand through her hair, "what did you think of me when you first met me?" (Y/n) said. "I thought you were weird. Haha. You caught my eyes, as you walking into that room!" I said.

[my Narration of Going Into the Past]
Jungkook was sitting in the living room of Jimin's house. They were having a party, Jimin invited his other friend that I kinda knew, we weren't close. I just knew his name, "Kang Su Jung" there was a lot of people, Jungkook didn't really care about much at the party, he never really had feelings for anyone. He got bored and sat on the stairs touching his phone. No one would really go to the stairs anyways so he liked it and stayed there. As people walked the front door he would look up. Just then a girl walked in, she caught Jungkook's attention. He kept looking at her, he observed every move. Do you think Jungkook is having feelings? He smiled whenever she smiled. He then took pictures of her. She really caught Kookie's eyes. He kept stealing glances at her, he got up and walked to Jimin, he showed him the picture of that stranger. "Do you know her?" He asked Jimin. "Ani. Why? Ouu, someone caught our Kookie's heart for the first time!" He teased Jungkook as he was pointing at him. Jungkook slapped Jimin's finger away and walked back to the stairs. He was texting his friend V and noticed someone standing in front of him.

[Still in the past, Jungkook's POV]
"Can I join you?" I heard a soft sweet voice, I looked up and realized it was her! I blushed and nodded my head. She smiled at me and say next to me. "How come you're not having fun with everyone else?" I asked her. "I don't really care about these parties, I just came with my friend cause she didn't want to come alone. What about you? Why aren't you having fun?" She asked. "I don't care about these stuff too. I'm Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's best friend, the person in charge of this party. And you?" I held out my hand out to shake her hand. She looked at me and smiled, she gave me her hand and we shook hands "(y/n)... I'm (y/n)." I smiled, "that's a pretty name!" I blushed again. We talked that night and we got to know each other. We laughed and laughed. As the party was almost over I gave her my number, "here, I know we just met.... But, I had a great time talking with you! So call or text me sometimes.." I gave her my number on a piece of paper. She wrote it down in her phone right away, she must loose things easily... Like me. I thought. She left & I waved at her before she left, she smiled at me with that cute smile of hers. That night I stayed at Jimin's house. I talked to Jimin about (y/n) I guess I talked all night about her cause when we started talking it was 10pm and when I stopped it was 11:30pm. "You must like her a lot huh? Did you give her your number?" I nodded. "AIGOO, our Kookie is in love! You never go that far and give a girl your number!" Jimin patted my head and laughed. Am I?? I thought. I wasn't sure, I never loved a girl like that... Will she be my first love?

[Present Time, Your POV]
"You talked that long about me that night? For an hour and a half? Did Jimin even listen? Haha.." Jungkook nodded and smiled. "Do you still have the photos you took of me?" He got up and walked to the closet, he gave me photos to look at. "Heol... I was pretty! Haha.. Just kidding. You really did take pictures of me!" Kookie blushed, I pinched his cheeks. "What did you think of me?" Jimin said.

[Back to the past, Your POV]
I walked into a strangers house with my friend Park Ji Hye. As I walked in I saw a guy sitting on the stairs, he was touching his phone. He caught my eyes that night. I wanted to talk to him so badly. But I was too shy. I need loved anyone at all. I took 20 min to have courage to talk to him, I walked up to him... He smiled at me after I spoke and blushed, I ended up blushing too, hopefully he didn't notice. We talked all night and laughing. We got to know each other very well in one night. Hopefully I'd be able to meet him again. No, I want to meet him again. There was just this feeling inside of me that felt like he was mines already.

One day, I saw him again with a different friend! I walked with my friend Ji Hye to the park. I smiled as I saw Jungkook's smile. "he's so cute! I remember seeing him at the party! I wonder if he's single" I assumed Ji Hye was talking about his friend.. "Go talk to him then!" I said. She pulled me along and talked to Jungkook. "Anyeong! I saw you at the party! What's your name?" She asked. "Jungkook" Jimin said. Jungkook didn't say anything. He was speechless. He saw me as Ji Hye kept talking to him. Ji Hye took Jungkook to the swing set leaving me with Jungkook's friend. As I stole glances at Jungkook he kept staring at me, he never took his eyes off of me. Ji Hye noticed "Do you know (y/n) do you like her?" Jungkook was in a daze while staring at me, he finally got back to his senses "huh? Oh, yeah... She's possibly my first love..." He said innocently as he blushed. Ever since that day Ji Hye stopped talking to me.. Jungkook & I went out for a while, She said I always had to take everything away from her, I tried everything to make her talk to me. I was even going to put away Jungkook for her. She didn't care. And as for Jungkook's friend he fell for me that day, but also got upset with Jungkook when he found out we were dating. But I'm glad that all that happened.. Cause when our friends left we had each other's back.

[Present Time, Jungkook's POV]
"Thanks for always staying by my side"I said. I kissed (y/n)'s fore head and smiled, "I'm one of the happiest man alive" I said. (Y/n) got up in a instant and ran to the bathroom, she felt like throwing up, she could though. At last she threw up. I was by her side, taking care of her. She took the pregnancy test and came out of the bathroom. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes. "Y/n)... Are you... Pregnant?" I asked, I put my hands on her shoulder. "Jungkook-ah...." She said in a sad tone. "Let's go buy some things for the baby." I lifted her up and kissed her lips, "WOO, IM HAVE A KID!!!!!!!! IM A DADDY!!!!!!" I spun (y/n) around. I put her down on the bed, I rubbed her tummy and said "we're gonna love you with all our hearts"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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