Average Day

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It was just another day for you, like any other day. You'd woken up, got dressed, ate breakfast, then went out to your part-time job a few blocks away. It wasn't much, but it got you by. The streets were always packed, so you made sure to leave in plenty of time. Sometimes you'd stop to talk to some friendly people along the way if you had the time, since you didn't really have any friends or family around the area. Life wasn't perfect, but it was good, and that's all you needed. Sometimes you wondered what it'd be like to actually have someone to call your own, though, which made you a bit sad at times. Then again, you didn't really like people all too much, so the thought never lasted long.

As you walked to work, you noticed a strange man in a pink suit screaming in the street. He had to be out of his mind acting in such a manor in public. Some people were standing around watching, while others quickly walked, avoiding eye contact. You had a few minutes to spare, so you stood casually to the side, staring at the crazy man in awe. He wasn't speaking English. In fact, he wasn't speaking any language at all. Gibberish screams echoed in the alley across from him, followed by the laughter of the bystanders. The man snapped his gaze at you, then crawled towards you in an animal-like way. Once he reached your feet, he looked up at you, sniffed your hand and made an awkward growl-like noise with a creepy smile stretched across his face. Grabbing your arm, he screamed once more, stood up, and dragged you down the dark alley. You screamed, tugging away from him, but his grip was way too strong. The alley ended at another set of alleyways, one to the left and the other to the right. He sniffed the air, then began dragging you down the alley to the right.

"STOP! LET GO OF ME!" you screamed, but he didn't listen. After being pulled a few blocks away, he stopped at an apartment building, turned to you, smiled the creepy smile and made another growl-like noise as if he were proud of himself for bringing you here.

"What do you want with me!?" you yelled, pulling your arm from him unsuccessfully. He pointed at one of the apartments, then suddenly yanked you forward, running inside. There was an elevator to the right, right inside the door, which was already opened. The pink suited man pushed you inside, pushed a button and grinned again, giving you a 'thumbs up' in accomplishment. The door closed, and he released your arm. Not even a second passed before you grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AND WHY ARE YOU BRINGING ME HERE!?" you demanded. His eyes were open wide, and he seemed slightly afraid, but he didn't answer or even make a sound. You shook him once more, banging his head off the wall,


"b0ss, pls!" he finally said. Then he began making grunting noises that made absolutely no sense, moving his hands as if he were speaking. You stared at him for a moment, then released him and took a step back, holding your hand to your face in annoyance. You clearly had no clue what he was saying, so you decided you'd find out soon enough. The door opened a few moments later.

"PINK GUY! I was wondering where you were! Did you get the groceries? Red Dick is waiting in the kitchen already, just take them in there." The man was wearing a blue button-up shirt, glasses, and shorts. You knew exactly where you were, and who this man was. It was Filthy Frank, from YouTube. You hadn't watched his videos for years, but you knew it was him. You'd secretly had a thing for him, too, but you'd never told anyone about it.

"Uh.. Pink Guy? Who's this?" His attention was now on you. Pink Guy grunted and started speaking the non-understandable language again.

"Ohhh, Pink Guy, I was joking!" he said, laughing hysterically. How could he even understand what he was saying? Frank focused on you again, then looked at the floor as if he didn't know what do say or do.

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