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     Frank walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower to allow it to warm up for a few minutes.  He peeked out of the doorway a few times, making direct eye contact with you each time, as if searching for any type of clue to what you may be thinking.  All you could think about was what had just happened.  After a few more awkward glances, he called you in and handed you a towel.  You nodded your head in thanks and proceeded with your shower.  Meanwhile, Frank decided to go out to find Pink Guy and the others.  

     "Pink Guy!", he called, leaning out the window, "Can you hear me?"  There was no response.  They must have wandered too far away.  Frank sighed, then left the apartment to go in search of everyone.  Unaware, you continued on with your shower.  

     Frank looked all around the park, but paused a moment when he thought he heard Pink Guy's voice in the distance.  A few seconds passed, but just as he was about to turn around to head back, he heard it again.  Pink Guy was yelling, but Frank couldn't understand what he was trying to say.  He walked towards the sounds of Pink Guy's voice, hoping everything was alright.  After walking about 50 yards, Pink Guy yelled again, mentioning something about a hamburger.  Frank continued following his voice until he came to the corner of a block.  There was a McDonald's across the street.  Assuming he had gone in there, Frank walked across the road and pushed open the restaurant doors.  Surely enough, Pink Guy was sprawled out on the counter, a hamburger in each hand.  Security was just about to remove him, but he stood up on the counter and began screaming, violently squeezing the hamburgers in his hands and wailing his arms around in defense.  

     Back at the apartment, you had finished your shower and were looking for some clean clothes to put on.  

     "Frank?" you called, but there was no reply.  "Frank, I need clothes!" you yelled, waiting for a response.  Still nothing.  You decided to put on one of his outfits, since there were clearly no clothes of your own for you to wear.  

     His closet was filled with many shirts of various colors and sizes.  Why did he choose to wear the same outfit every day?  Regardless, you pulled out an old, worn out, red T-Shirt and slipped it over your head.  In his dresser, there were a few pairs of basketball shorts.  Underwear would have been nice, but his boxers slid right off of you, so you decided to go commando.  As you walked out of his bedroom, you scanned the apartment, but found no trace of him, or any other housemates, for that matter.  You decided to sit on the couch, watch some TV and wait for them to come back.  

     A few hours passed, but just as you were about to get up from the couch, the door busted open, startling you.  It was Frank and everyone else with armfuls of hamburgers.  

     "What the hell..?" you muttered under your breath.  Pink Guy looked at you and awkwardly grinned, then dumped a pile of hamburgers into your lap.  The look of accomplishment on his face made the situation all the more interesting.  

     "MEEUUGHH BLLAUUU ayy gibe da pussi b0ss~" Pink Guy said, unwrapping one of the burgers and taking a large bite.  Frank chimed in and said, 

     "Yeah, you really kicked their asses~ Ahaha!"

     "Wait, what happened??"  you asked, not understanding quite exactly.  Prometheus jumped into the air without a word and landed in an excellent 5 Star, 10/10 squatting pose, flexing every muscle in his body.  Frank pointed at him and yelled, 

     "EXACTLY!  HA, GOT-EEM~!"  You still had no idea what happened, but decided to go along with it anyways.  Red Dick called from the kitchen in panic when he realized all of the burgers would not fit in the fridge, which triggered Pink Guy to scream in frustration.  He ran to the bedroom, but paused at the doorway.  

     "..Ayy b0ss?"  he asked, still looking into the room without glancing back at us.  Frank's expression grew tense as his eyes darted to meet yours.  Pink Guy glanced over his shoulder with this face:

  Pink Guy glanced over his shoulder with this face:

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     "b0ss.." he said in a plain, almost disappointed tone, "wut it do, mayne?"


     Pink Guy squatted and shouted at the top of his lungs, as if making a battle cry, then turned to you with narrow eyes.  

    "Ay, Baby, you wanna get outta here and gimme somma dat good ole pussy~?" he asked, his expression now looking like this: 

    "Ay, Baby, you wanna get outta here and gimme somma dat good ole pussy~?" he asked, his expression now looking like this: 

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          You blushed, turned your gaze to Frank and shook your head 'No'.  He squinted a little more, took a step closer and said, 

     "Mmm, come on, Baby~.. Gimme somma dat pUsaaay~"

     Frank looked somewhat annoyed at this point.  He pointed his finger at Pink Guy, scowling like an angry housewife and said,

     "Get out of here you filthy WHORE!"

     "AY FUCK YOU, MAYNE!" he shouted back, then grabbed the blanket from the bed, threw it in Frank's face and pointed to it.  It had clearly been in the line of fire during your fuck session earlier.  The blotchy white stains were proof enough.  

     "I-It's not what you think!" Frank yelled, becoming sweaty and nervous again.  You internally cringed, realising all of the other housemates were now watching and staring deeply into the eyes of the massive cumstains all over the blanket in Frank's arms.  Pink Guy shook his head in disapproval, then patted Frank on the back and walked into the bathroom.  Loud rap music began playing as Pink Guy started screaming and the sounds of shattering glass filled the air.  The most awkward thing about that entire scenario was that you would have 10/10 fucked him if Frank hadn't been there to stop it because you're that much of a fucking slut. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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