Chapter 4

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Daniella's POV:

I didn't respond towards the kiss. I just lightly shoved Luke away without making it obvious to his friends. "Well, I guess I will see you around." The girl that started bugging Luke said running off. "So like are we still on tomorrow?" One of the boys asked "Yeah Basketball, tomorrow at noon." Luke confirmed. "So who's your friend?" The other boy asked

"Guys this is Daniella, she's staying here for a while." Luke said "Hey Daniella, I'm Trevor." A boy with blonde short hair said putting his hand out. I shook it and noticed his blue eyes. "I'm Jacob." A boy with darker skin said smiling. "Nice too meet you guys." I smiled.

"So are you two really dating?" Trevor asked. " No I just did that to get rid of Emily." Luke answered. right away I felt used. I looked away quickly trying to avoid Luke.

"Man, you kissed Emily one time and had a date with her and she thought you two were dating?" Jacob asked

"Yep pretty much." Luke answered

"Well in her defense, Luke you did flirt with her, and you were constantly holding her hand and pecking her lips." Trevor said. Luke shot Trevor a warned look. "what?" Trevor asked.
From the corner of my eye. I saw Luke motion his eyes toward me.

"I have to go, I will see you guys around." I said awkwardly stating to walk away. "Dani, wait your phone." Luke said pulling my phone out of his pocket. "thanks." I said snatching my phone from him letting him know I was upset. He gave me a confused look but shook it off and continued his small talk with his friends.

"Hey Dani." Ravi said coming up to me. "hey, Ravi." I said putting on a smile. "where's Luke?" He asked "oh he saw some friends I felt awkward and unwanted so I left." I explained

"Ooh, so are you heading home?" He asked "I was thinking about it, but I might just hand out here a little! try to make some more friends." I told him.

"I know some people." Ravi said smiling "you do?" I asked "yea follow me." He said smiling. I followedhim the to playground area where Zuri was playing. He lead me across from the play ground where they have small tables with chess boards on them,

"This is the school chess team." Ravi said proudly. "but its summer." I reminded "Yes it is, but we are practicing." Ravi explained

"oh,my names Daniella everyone." I waved at the small group which was only 3 people plus Ravi and I.

"Dani, this is Kyle,Austin, and Gale." Ravi introduced. I smiled at the group who was just staring at me. "We don't have many girls here." Ravi explained noticing the boys staring.

"It's fine, did you find Mrs.Kibbling?" I asked "yes she is with Jessie." Ravi said "okay just wondering." I answered

"Hey Dani, where's Luke." Jessie asked coming up from behind Ravi and I. "oh he saw some friends" I answered "and he left you?" She asked shocked "not exactly I left him, but its fine really." I said "no its not he invited you here, he should have stayed." She said "nothing really, I don't mind." I told her. "I'm texting him." Jessie said pulling her phone out.

"Anyways, i don't really know how to play chess but we can all hang out some time." I said to the group. "yeah sure." Gale told me smiling. I returned the smile and walked to the playground with Zuri.

"Hey Zuri!" I shouted getting her attention,

"Hey, Dani." She said running down toward the steps where I was at. "you wanna play?" She asked

"Sure, what are we playing?" I asked

"I don't know we could run, we could go on the monkey bars! and there's the swings and slide." She said

"What about Rock climbing." I said pointing to the rock wall.

"Oh no last time we touched that rock wall Jessie babied us, and by us I mean Luke she made him really embarrassed in front of his friends." Zuri informed.

"I see, so then what do you want to do?" I asked she was about to answer when I felt my phone vibrate. "hold on just one second, Zuri." I told her checking my phone. It was from Luke.

Text messages: L=Luke D=Daniella

L- Hey, Dani sorry about earlier 😔

D- you shouldn't have kissed me to get rid of that girl.

L=I actually like you.., but I like like you. ☺😉

D= You used me. 😤

L=How did I use you?😧

D= like u said you used me to get rid if that girl, and then you didn't tell me anything after that. 😕

L= I'm sorry it was wrong but I never actually had a real relationship, and I never treated the girl right, but I will try for you, I will try to be a better person. 😚

D= I forgive you but never kiss me again, and you will need to gain my trust before I decide if I like you more than a friend.

L= okay I will wait for you, take your time to decide and during that time I will try to be better for you. 😇☺

D=okay sounds good. 😊 Gtg Zuri wants me to play with her.

L= okay I wi meet up with u guys 😊

D= k ☺

End of text message.

Luke's POV

I walked to the playground to meet up with Zuri and Dani. I saw Dani pushing Zuri on the swing I smiled at how sweet she was. I was about to go walk towards them but Jessie stepped in my way.

"Jessie can you move?" I asked

"Not until you tell me why you left Daniella along and just let her walk off you know she's new to New York she could have gotten lost, or worse." Jessie said sternly

Wow I never thought about that "its okay we worked it out and I promised I will try to be a better person for her." I answered

"So what happened she said you just tanned into some friends and you left her out." Jessie said

"I kissed her." I answered simply

"Luke you just met her yesterday, and Chesterfield doesn't want us near her." Jessie reminded

"Then why is she hanging out with Zuri and Ravi?" I asked pointing to them.

"Because she needs some friends and if your kissing her it will turn into something more serious like you two dating, and your not aloud to date Chesterfield's niece" Jessie said with soft eyes lowering her voice.

"So like forbidden love." I answered

"Like forbidden love." Jessie confirmed

"Okay." I sighed walking pass Jessie and sitting on the bench near the playground watching Dani, Zuri and Ravi mess around in the playground.

I better stay away before I fall for her. I thought,but that's too hard especially when we just texted each other that we would stay friends and I would try to earn her trust I would just have to blow that off. She's not staying long anyways.

This wasn't suppose to happen. (Luke Ross)Where stories live. Discover now