Part Five

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The next couple weeks were quite difficult. Not because of being pregnant but because of the media and also Adam. The media were making up wild stories about the pregnancy and a lot of people were calling me horrible names and saying that my career was over. My career wasn't over. I have no intention in quitting the music industry because even though I'll be having twins, I'll still make time to write music and then be able to record it. I won't have to put my life on pause, only for a little bit once I have them.

Adam and I have been distant since our last argument 2 weeks ago. Things weren't the way they used to be before I told him I was pregnant and that's what really killed me right now. The media wasn't all that important to me, but Adam and I's relationship was on the line and I had to do something before I lose him forever. I couldn't lose him now especially since I'm already in my second trimester and things were going to get even more harder from here. In just a short couple weeks, we will be able to go back to the doctor to have another ultrasound and be able to hear the heartbeats and find out the gender of the babies. It was an exciting time in every women's pregnancy and so I was hoping Adam and I would be on better terms.

The morning sickness I've had to deal with is subsiding but because I'm having twins, it was still there. Even after these past couple weeks, it's still a surprise to me to remember the fact that I wasn't just carrying one baby, it was two.

Adam was sitting on the couch watching some TV since he had a day off with no gigs and I was in the kitchen gathering some food together for myself. Now that I'm in my second trimester, I've been having a lot of pregnancy cravings for the most random foods you can ever think of which I would normally find disgusting but nowadays I find it very appetizing.

"Taylor, are you in there?" I heard him call out to me, causing me to stop my movements completely. He hasn't called me by my name since the last argument. We hardly have done much of anything. We said we love each other and still slept in the same bed, but it wasn't the way it was before. There would be times where he wouldn't come back after his gigs to avoid sleeping in the same bed with me and I was scared that he was losing his feelings for me completely. I know I was being over dramatic with Adam when I found out he didn't tell his parents the news yet about me being pregnant, but I guess when you're pregnant you get really emotional and upset easily. I didn't want to take my anger and frustration out on him especially after all he's done for me these past couple months. I don't know what I would of done without him especially when I found out about not being able to hear the heart beat. I need him by my side at all times. Sure, I have friends and family who will help me through this but it isn't the same if it isn't Adam.

"Yeah?" Was all I called back. I bit gently onto my bottom lip as I held my sandwich in my hand to wait for his reply.

"Can you come by me for a minute?"

My heart began to race rapidly in my chest. Why did he want me to come by him? We hardly talked in 2 weeks. I was confused as to why he's all of a sudden talking to me but I didn't say anything. I didn't reply, I just set my food down onto the counter and walked out of the kitchen and over to the living room. There Adam stood right by the couch with a small smile on his lips. I was confused as to why he wanted to talk to me, let alone why he had a smile on his face but I continued to walk towards him until we were face to face.

"What's up?" I asked in a casual tone.

Suddenly, he grabbed onto my hands and placed them in between us before giving my hands a gentle squeeze, his eyes looking up into mine. My eyes scanned over his features for his expression, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling.

He took a deep breath, squeezing tightly onto my hands. "I know we have been distant lately and I'm so sorry for that. I know you're sensitive with being pregnant and I should of told my parents sooner. I just wanted to be able to tell them face to face like you got to, but I know that with traveling and everything, it's hard to see them as much as I'd like to. So when I left that day we had the argument, I went to take a walk and I called my parents. They were actually happy for me and understood why I was nervous because of wanting to be able to see their faces and reactions when telling them, but they promised to try and travel over here when the babies come. I wanted to tell you this as soon as I got back in that day, but you still seemed upset and I guess I needed time for myself to think about everything. I love you, Taylor and I don't plan on ever leaving especially now. I can't."

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