Davids Call - Ella Hotchner's POV

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It was a crisp October morning, Ella Hotchner sat on her couch next to her best friend Agent Jones Magnesa, a red haired male who seems straight but is actually a homosexual.
Jones laughed as I spoke, I smiled at him and sighed, wishing life was easier, but with my two jobs and my twin sons, nothing was easy, of course my sons were fifteen now, but it was still pretty hard since I was the Section and Unit Chief of the New York FBI.
" So Ella, how's life so far?, since I haven't seen your for months, I'm surprised you called me here anyways," Jones says as he looked at me, his boyfriend Agent Mario Lansighn, looked at me too.
" Life, is great, lies, my life is horrible Jones!" I answered, wailing the last part.
" Come on Ella, Nick and Mike can't be that bad," Mario says as he places his arm around Jones shoulders, Jones leaned into Mario.
" Aw, you two remind me of Nick and Antoine," I answered as I watched them, they gazed at me in wonder as they tried to guess who Antoine was.
" Antoine is Nicks boyfriend, they've actually known each other since birth, I know Antoine's single father, David White, I went to High school with David actually," I answered as I glanced towards the window, where I saw Nick and Antoine making out right in the walk way.
Jones turned around and looked out the window at them, " Hey babe look, Mini Us," Jones says with a grin.
I laughed, " Oh no! Mini yous! My life is ruined! " I teased them.
" Hey we aren't that bad," Jones answered with a grin.p
" Oh I know, calm your tic tac Jones," I answer him as I looked at the front door as it opened.
" Hello Miss. Hotchner!" Antoine called.

Antoine White is the offspring of David White and Ella Hotchner, he was born nine months after an small incident when both Ella and David were in high school during they're last year.

" Hello Antoine!" I called back as they passed the living room on they're way to the kitchen.
" Hello Agents Jones Magnesa and Mario Lansighn," Nick says as he passes with Antoine.
" Hello Nicholas," They both answered, making Nick groan in disgust.
I laugh and say, " Don't be rude Nick,"
" Sorry mum," Nick answers as he shot the two agents an apologetic glance.
" Aplogy accepted!" Mario says with a grin.
" Yo Mom! I'm gonna cook dinner okay!" Antoine called from the kitchen.
" Wait he knows?" Jones asked me, I nodded.
" Why couldn't he know I'm his mother, I mean we look alike, he was bound to find out anyways," I answered, " Okay An, just be careful and Nick! Do your damn homework today," I added, speaking to them both.
" Wait then how could Nick and Antoine date?" Mario asked.
" Nick and Mike are adopted, so they are not mine by blood, but by government," I replied suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up.
" Dr. H speaking," I answered the phone.
" Hey Jamie, it's David, we need to talk," Says the voice on the other end.
" Where are you?" I asked calmly.
" At home in my study," David answers.
" Okay, I'll be there soon baby " I answered, were we dating, yes, are we together, yes.
" Thank you," David answered before then ending the call.
Standing up I walked into the hallway and over to the stairs, I walked up them and then went into my room.
Grabbing my gun, I put it into its holster and then I put on my black converses and my black sweatshirt.
After that I just left Jones and Mario to watch Antoine.

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