Galatron 5

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"What happened?" Kyré asked ounces the TARDIS had stopped jolting and shaking around. The Doctor pulled a screen around the consul and looked at the readings. "We've landed." he said.

"Landed or crashed?" Kyré asked, "Because it feels like we crashed." She gave the Doctor a questioning and mischievous look. "Are you sure you know how to fly this thing?"

The Doctor stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her. "This thing is called a TARDIS," he said, "And of course I know how to fly her. I've been doing it for years."

"You still crashed her," Kyré said.

"I did not!" he said looking back at the screen, "And I don't think she likes you."

"The TARDIS told you that she doesn't like me?"

"Well... not exactly. She says you're not done yet."

"Not done yet? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Not sure really."

"Well you clearly speak TARDIS, why don't you ask her?"

The Doctor messed with the controls again. "She won't tell me."

"Probably because you crashed her."

"I did not crash her!"

"Ooookaaay... whatever you say..." Kyré said. "So where are we anyway?"

The Doctor looked at the screen again and smiled excitedly. "Galatron 5," he laughed, "I haven't been here since I was a kid."

"How old were you?" Kyré couldn't help but smile at his excitement.


"95?! Good grief, how old are you?"

"I'll be 12,000 in two months. Time Lords don't quite, well... age." He danced around the consul, looking at readings, pushing buttons and pulling levers. "And it looks like we're right on time."

"On time for what?" Kyré asked.

"Volcanithon," the Doctor said, rushing over to the door. "Come on."

Kyré looked at him like he was crazy. "Don't we need like... heat suits or something?"

"Nope, not here." he said. The Doctor ran back over and took Kyré by the hand. "Come on, we don't want to miss it." They ran out the door.

The landscape looked like something out of a movie. The ground had been burned to a crisp, everything was covered in back rock and rivers of molten lava close freely as far as the eye could see. They reached the top of a hill and looked out in front of them. Seconds later, the hill turned into an island as one of the rivers overflowed and surrounded them. "Alright..." the Doctor said excitedly, "Wait for it... 5...4...3...2...1!" Suddenly a ring of lava erupted around them and turned into a massive dome. The lava hardened almost instantly into a clear crystal hemisphere. Then, a giant wave of lava engulfed them until it looked like they were in the center of a massive bubble of magma. A rumbling noise started from the ground and started to get louder and louder. "Kyré!" The Doctor shouted, "Put these on!!" He handed her a pair of earmuffs and put some on himself. "Here we go!!" He yelled. The rumbling increased and the pressure in the bubble grew until it burst, sending lava and crystal in all directions. Kyré watched this all with the same wonder and awe as a small child on Christmas. "Can we do that again?"

The Doctor chuckled at her excitement but shook his head. "Sorry, no. It only happens every 6,859 years." He bent down and started inspecting the ground, doing all sorts of little tests on it. Including tasting it.

"Doctor, why are you licking the ground?" Kyré asked, "You'll burn your tongue."

"I'm just checking it out." He replied. "And no, I won't burn my tongue."

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