Sour Girlfriend

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      It was lunch and a friday at that and Michael finally made it through the student-flooded doors and into the lunch line. Michael took his tray and skimmed the lunch line, assembling mashed potatoes and turkey on his tray. Next he got a few napkins, a milk and silverware. Last came the fruits and vegis.  

      Michael eyed the last lemon on the tray suspicously. I am in for a crazy week end if I pick up this lemon. I can just feel it. He thought to himself as he jammed the lunchline to a stop. He plucked the lemon off his tray and returned to the usual spot in the caffeteria with his friends. They sat in the north west corner of the room to avoid the teacher's patrol.

     Michael's friend Allen sat down next to him. It was a silent lunch at first, until Michael finished his patatoes and turkey. After he ate, Michael went up and threw away his food, except for the lemon.  

     As Michael sat back down at the table with his lemon, everyone eyed the bright lemon. Little did they know that that lunch period would never be the same again. The girl across the table started to blabber something in Michael's ear disturbingly. Michael ignored her and tossed the lemon up in the air a few times.

     After three throws, Michael's friend Allen caught it in mid-air and squeezed it. Michael quickly snached it back and assesed the damage. No damage seemed to be done except for when he turned it back around. A huge gapping hole was splitting down the middle of it, loking all the while like a mouth.

     At that moment, an idea sparked in Michael's head. "Anyone have a marker?!" He asked. They all stared at him for a second until the girl at the head of the table responded, holding a black marker.

     "Yeah." She threw the marker to Michael and he drew eyes, a nose, and make up on the lemon. Afterwards he used it as a puppet and the whole table roared of laughter.

     School let out in another 3 hours and Michael boarded the bus with Allen. They spoke about many things of the day. About wallball and of music. Math and science and lastly of the events that happened at lunch. "You sure are a dumb ass Michael." Allen said.

     "Yes, but it makes life so much fun," Michael replied, "Hey, I think it could be my girlfriend!"

     "Who?" Allen wondered.

     "Not who, man, what." Michael held up the lemon and eyed it. Allen looked at Michael dumbly.

     "You're kidding me right?"

     "No, no, it could pass as a gf right?" 

     "No. .not at all."

     "Well, you never gave it a try so how could you know?!" Michael said defensively. The bus rolled to a stop. Allen gathered his belongings and stood up.

     "Well, Michael, this is my stop. See ya on the other side and. . . eh. .good luck with your girlfriend man." Allen started to the front of the bus.

     "Will do man!" Michael got the last word.

     Later that very night, Michael went over to Allen's house. Around five they were sitting in Allen's room, the lemon staring dreamily at Michael. Michael looked over at the lemon and then looked away. The lemon's mouth was three times the size that it was this morning and liquid was dripping from it's mouth like foam. "She is scaring me man. . .and she won't shut up!" Michael declared after a long seilence.

     Allen looked at Michael dumbly. "Are you smoking crack?!" 

     "No seriously man!" Michael replied, "Hey, I'll be back." Michael left the room with the lemon and returned ten minutes later with the lemon impaled on a cheff's knife. Allen stood up quickly.

     "What the hell Michael?!" 

     "What? I tried acid. I tried burning her. I tried to cut her in half but this was all I got." Michael and Allen then returned to the kitchen from whence the knife came and un-impaled the lemon.  

      As Allen was putting away the knife, Michael escaped to the outside. Outside, the winter breaze was cold on Michael's short-sleaved shirt and jeans. Allen bursted out the door and watched Michael scramble across the icey parking lot.  

     Michael went behind the garage and went further north. In the backyard, on top of a hill, was the traintracks. Michael slowly climbed the hill and set one half of the lemon on both sides of the tracks. Afterwards, Michael returned to the house, shaking.

      At 9:00, Allen and Michael were getting ready to go shopping at walmart for food for a party they were hosting in the morning. As Michael climbed in the car to leave, he heard a train comming. The car started forward but Michael climbed out and ran to the train tracks. The train had yet to arrive. Michael stood a safe distance away from the train's forceful exicution.  

      Michael watched, satisfied, as the train blew his 'girlfriend' to kingdom come. When the exicution ended, Michael returned to the car and they took off to Walmart.

      After a night of acting weird in a walmart, Michael woke up early and walked to the site of his girlfriends gruesome exicution. As he inspected the ruins of his girlfriend, all he could find was one lonely scrap. Michael picked up the corpse and went to the garage. He grabbed a shovel and found a shadey spot under a tree and started digging.

     When he had finally stopped digging, the earth was up to his ankles. Michael threw the little spot of lemon into the hole and piled the dirt back on it. He patted down the soil when the grave was burried and put a white log on the spot to mark the lemon's grave. Michael threw down the shovel and started to cry. Allen's mother walked up to Michael and patted him on the back.

      "I should have went with the apple." Michael regretted.           

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