Back to the Beginning

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So, what I am about to tell you is set right back in 2002, when Akon and other artists like him was famous.

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself, hi I'm Lucy Williamson, I am 26 years old.

 I was 13 when this happened. 

I was walking to school like normal and all of a sudden a bus hit a cyclist. The cyclist's bike flew into my legs, I fell to the floor in pain. I was shouting over to the cyclist, who was laying in the road, asking if he was okay, he wasn't replying. 

I pulled out my phone and asked my mum to phone the school to tell the school I was going to be late. She asked why but I didn't tell because I didn't want to worry her. 

The bus driver rushed over to me and asked me if I was ok, i replied "I will be, but please check the cyclist."

He replied back "ok, i will."

Three ambulances turned up and one police car.

One of the paramedics came over to me and said "are you alright?"

"I cant feel my legs!" I screamed

"When did you last feel them?"

"Like a minute ago, I think."

"What do you mean, you think?"

"Well I was more worried about the cyclist than myself."

"Right, lets get you to the hospital quick."

"Is, is there something wrong?" I stuttered worriedly.

"No it's just procedure."

I didn't think much of it at the time.

I arrived at hospital and doctors crowded around me in seconds.

I didn't know what was going on.

I got put in the corridor, then got told I was waiting for an X-RAY.

I was scared at this point.

My mum came rushing down the corridor in tears, asking if I was okay and why I didn't tell her on the phone.

I asked where dad was and she said at work.

Which I knew wasn't true because he doesn't work on a Tuesday. 

I kept asking and she said "darling, your dad is working, I have already told you."


"No buts, hes working and that's the end of it."

Mum gave me a hug, then I got called,  one of the nurses pushed me in to the X-RAY room.

I had the X-RAY done, but I stayed in the room, then three other doctors rushed in.

I overheard one of them saying something about Theatre. I was really scared by this point.

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