The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall

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"For so long now the Berlin Wall has been an instrument of history, but soon it will become nothing but an artefact of history itself"

Berlin 1989

The anticipation was building, we were all anxious, yet a certain excitement flowed through our veins propelling us inexorably towards completing the task that lay ahead. We had come from near and afar carrying picks and spades with the desire to cripple this monster that has soaked up the blood of many an innocent life.

The Berlin Wall had once stood strong as a physical symbol of separation. For nearly three decades it had ruthlessly divided both the east and west, preventing us from establishing contact and communication with our brothers... but now it is weakened, and its once insurmountable influence has slowly dissipated.

The cracks in its social divide begin to appear, slowly at first, but bit-by-bit becoming gradually more pronounced; finally this radical insanity will wither away. We cry for freedom and plea for independence, so that we may not be oppressed by political ideology. We pray that one day we will all live in harmony and agreement. Arm in arm we will stand over the corpse of this wretched structure to celebrate and rejoice, and the scent of liberation will hang thick in the air.  

Although the fall of the berlin wall may not serve to end all conflict between the west and its socialist adversaries, we will have at the very least laid the path for a brighter future. We pray that this will serve as a lesson to all humankind so that the mistakes that have been made here and the losses we have suffered may never be repeated again.  

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