Chapter Three

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I was surprised when the person grabbing my sleeve wasn't my mum. In fact it was Ikuto who came out of no where and pulled me to the side of the house. As soon as he did he put his hand over my mouth just in case I'd scream or something. Soon after he pulled me aside, Mum came out and yelled, "Amu Hinamori get your ass here right now!" I jumped a little and looked up at Ikuto scared. I pried his hand off my mouth and whispered, "I have to go... I'll be fine," then I walked to where Mum was and nodded. She pulled me harsh into the house and then hit me in the shoulder. I winced.

"Why?! You stupid-ass! I'm glad Tadase-kun said what he said to me. You whore," She said and walked off, "go to your room and stay there until tomorrow afternoon,"

'I'll be late for school' I thought as I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I didn't know what quite to do. So I started writing a letter to my little sister.. Ami. She was gladly taken away to stay with my aunt and uncle. I say gladly because at that point when they took her away, Mum and Dad didn't give a shit. They just let my aunt and uncle take her. And I have yet to see Ran, Miki, Suu, or Dia. They all disappeared a month after Ikuto left. But I'm sure Ikuto has Yoru. Well maybe. I don't know.

{Two hours later}

I stopped writing. I had no inspiration to write to a sister who I never see. Depressing, I know. So I started to strip so I can take a shower. I only had my bra and panties on when I noticed... someone was knocking on my window.. and my blinds were open. 'shit, Ikuto you asshole' I thought as I quickly put my shirt back on. At least this shirt is long. I unlocked my door and looked at Ikuto kind of pissed.

"What?" He stated. Although he was kind of smirking.

"You pervert," I said and hit his head. It was a weak hit though. I have barely any strength left now a days, "you saw me almost strip down naked huh?" I finished my sentence and glared at him. He laughed it off

"Maybe," he hugged me.

"You are such a pervert. And now that you are..." I had to think of his age for a second. I'm soo smart you know. "Nineteen. You can technically be a sex offender"

"I like how you had to pause and think of my age. You Doof" he laughed at me.

I pulled away from his hug and pointed at my bed. "You stay here while I take a shower. Got that? Good,"

He sat on my bed like an obedient Ikuto. Hehe.

I went into the bathroom and took the remaining cloth off my body. Then I got in the shower. My newer cuts hurt pretty badly but not as bad as this morning shower. And yes, since I wore mainly black all day, I stink of sweat.

After i got out, I put a towel around myself. I walked into my room with Ikuto laying down on my bed, sleeping. I wasn't surprised. It was 23:48 {11:48 pm} and he had a flight too.

I got my clothes and turned around so my back was facing Ikuto. I dropped my towel and got dressed. All I put on was underwear and a long sleeved shirt. I didn't wear pants so my scars on my thighs showed... hopefully he doesn't see.. I turned around to see Ikuto looking at me, wide eyed.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face. "Pedo!!" I yelled jokingly.

Ikuto POV

I opened my eyes and looked over to see Amu getting dressed. So far she had a bra and panties on. She was like a twig. So skinny... she looks unhealthy. Amu finally put a long sleeved shirt on and turned to see me. She got flustered and threw a pillow at my face.

"Pedo!!" She yelled jokingly at me. I chuckled.

"Hey! You changed in front of a guy. Don't blame me!" She pouted a bit at my response.

"Are you going to leave?" She asked me.

"No, why would I?" I got out of her bed and stretched

"Because it's late and I need to sleep,"

"I'll stay the night. I have no where to stay anyways," I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up. She looked surprised.

"Put me down!" She whisper yelled at me, "and fine, you can stay but you have to sleep on the ground"

I laid her down on the left side of her bed. Then I got on the right side of her bed. She looked at me and said, "This wasn't apart of the deal, Ikuto"

"I know but I had a flight and and I'm super tired. Deal with it, beautiful" I said drowsily and wrapped an arm around her. She tried to push my arm off but eventually failed and stopped.


"This wasn't apart of the deal, Ikuto"

"I know but I had a flight and and I'm super tired. Deal with it, beautiful" he responded drowsily. I felt my cheeks get hot. Thank god he closed his eyes. He lifted his left arm and put it over my waist. I tried my best to push his arm off but I failed.

I started to remember what he said earlier. Beautiful...
I'm beautiful? My cheeks started to feel hot again. Damn ittttt. My luck got worse, Ikuto opened his eyes and saw me blushing.

"Someone embarrassed?" He said and smirked a little, "about what? Hmmm?"

"N-nothing..." I hide my face with my comforter.

"Aww. But your blush is adorable," he uncovered my face, "there, now what are you embarrassed about?"

"You called me beautiful..." I said and blushed more.

He smirked at me and put both his arms around me and pulled me close, "you little blushing kitten" he chuckled a little

And of course, his actions made me blush more. He smiled at that. "Stop making me blush..." I said and attempted to push him away. I failed.

"I can make you blush more and possibly have you make a little noise"

"H-how s-" I got interrupted by Ikuto putting his hands on my ass... yes... my ass. I shrieked and blushed.


"Amu!" he replied like the smartass he is.

"Please stop groping my ass... I need to sleep," I said

"Then just get comfortable and sleep," he kissed my head and squeezed the fat he was holding.


I couldnt remember anything past that. I assume I fell asleep. The way I woke up was quite embarrassing although. I awoke to iku-

Kay. I'm done. Hehe. No more chapter. Yeah, sorry for it being a cliffhanger but I love that style. (: anyways, thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes so far. I live you all
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