Chapter 4- Prince and Princess

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Niall's POV

I just sat and watched as Louis played with Lilac. It was adorable really. I just can't get over the fact that Zayn wants to visit us. I mean, you don't talk to us for months and you out of nowhere want to meet us?! Who the fuck does that!??

"Niall." Harry said walking over. I nodded slightly.

"What exactly did Z- what did he say Ni?" Harry asked sitting down next to me.

I just showed him the text message silently.
Zayn </3: hey nialler, it's been forever! You and the guys wanna meet up some time? :)

Zayn: I know I kind of seemed like a selfish prick over the coarse of 2015, but I was tired of how we were treated by Modest! I'm much happier now and I'd like to fix the wounds I created. :/ -Z

"Woah. That's not even right. You gonna say anything to him?" Harry asked in a quiet tone, probably not to worry Lilac or piss off Louis. Especially cause Zayn wanted Louis to leave as well, and was sour when Lou said no (A/N; how I think of the Twitter spat)

"I-I... I don't really know Haz. He stop talking to us in December.... And now out of nowhere here he is asking to hang out?" I stuttered back in a shushed tone.

"Yeah.... I bet Liam is pretty upset over that, they were the closest. You should ask Liam what to say." Harry whispered.

" 'lright, will do." I said. Harry went over and started playing with Lou and Lilac. I walked over to Liam's room.

" Li, it's Niall, can I talk to you for a bit?" I said as I knocked on the door.

"Yeah Ni, it's open." Liam said back. I walked in and he was writing music, a way he copes with his emotions besides alcohol and cigarettes.

"So, erm'. His text. I wanted to show them to you and maybe see if you have any ideas of how to text him back?" I asked sitting down next to him on the bed.

"O-okay. Go ahead." He quietly replied. I know this is tough on him.

I showed him the texts and sighed.

"The guy stops talking in December, leaves the goddamn band, and out of nowhere wants to "fix the wounds he made." What do?" I said angered.

"Well, you don't have to respond, but I don't recommend that. Mostl-" I stopped him before he could continue.

"What like he did to us? Why not give the same message?" I spat.

"Niall you know perfectly well how that works, and you should be friendly." Liam sighed.

"The best you can do is at least reply. Maybe he really wants to fix it." Liam spoke again. His wisdom is scary, but helpful none the less.

"How bout "well hello to you too Mr.Silent" ?" I chuckled.

"As long as you reply." Liam said.
Nialler(:P): Well hello to you too Mr.Silent Treatment. Life must be treating you well if you decide not to speak to people you've been closet with for almost 5 years.

Nialler(:P): To answer your question, I don't think we are ready to meet. Someone new to the family (Of the 4 of us) has come along and we need to bond. Plus we should text a bit before we talk again in person, just so media doesn't hype. -N x
"All good Liam, I'm going to hang with my princess, bye!" I said slipping my phone into my pocket and heading down to see Lilac.

" 'Iall!!!" Lilac said stumbling over to me.  I picked her up and kissed her nose.

"Hey princess." I chuckled setting her down.

"Hawwy and 'Ouis said we should all play dress up." She squealed. "But Hawwy wants to be a pwincess." She whispered the last part. I just laughed and nodded happily. Louis went to get "our party attire." .

"I weally like it hewre." She said jumping into my arms.

"Good." I said spinning her in circles. Louis came down with clothes as myself and him became Princes to Harry and Lilac the Princesses.

"Well hello Princess." I bowed kissing her cheek. She giggled and played along.

" 'Ello Pwince." She said. Louis put on some music and I rocked slowly with Lilac in my arms.

I figured it out, figured it out from black and white. Seconds and hours, maybe they had to take some time.

I know how it goes, I know how it goes from wrong and right. Silence and sound, did they ever hold each other, tight like us? Did they ever fight, like us?

You and I, we don't wanna be like them, we can make it till the end. Oh nothing can come between You and I. Not even the gods above, can separate the two of us. Nothing can come between You and I.

Oh, You and I.

I looked down and saw my little princess was fast asleep. So I gave the boys a nod and put her to bed.

She's my little Princess, and now my everything. While I'm her Prince, who is now the ruler of her palace.

Be grateful cause I'm very sick and I have school. LLWY is 3 years old?! Tf happened there? Ah well time flies.

I wonder when we will meet Zaynie Poo.

(Rest in Peace Daniel of Cyndago, YouTube comedian and sketch actor. You will be missed.)


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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