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What she looks like above.

I'm not exactly what you would call
popular. But I'm also not a loser. I'm that in between. Like I could hang out with popular crowd, I just chose not to. My name is Bryden Baker. But many people call me Bry ( Pronounced Bree ). The school year has just begun and everything is basically the same as last year.
Except one thing.
A boy.
I check the time on my phone and realize that it is 6:00 and I only have 30 minutes to get ready. Literally shoot me in the head with a fucking sniping gun or some shit like that. I'll provide the bullets. I peel off my mint green blanket that was wrapped around me tightly and jump out of bed onto the plush dark gray rug. I run to my door, open it, the jog to the bathroom. I strip from a large t- shirt that is up to my mid thigh and underwear then go in the shower. I twist the knob so the water is pretty hot and start washing my hair and body. Once I'm done, I wrap a light blue towel around myself and go back to my room to pick out clothes.
Today I decided to wear a loose, but fitted gray long sleeve shirt and a pair of medium blue skinny jeans. To go with it I just put on Uggs because it's one of those days.
After I change I walk back to the bath room to do hair and make up. For make up I do a nude, pink lip and just mascara to extenuate my already long eyelashes. Thanks mom! Then I just barely put any black on a brush and blend it in there. For my hair I put it in a loose braid with a random broken necklace that I somehow incorporated in there. Shit , now I look really Tumblr. And before I forget I put in gold dangly earrings, whatever the fuck, whatever the fuck. Oh and I put on deodorant and spray some random perfume that I got from bath and body works that smells like vanilla and whore. I grab my phone off the counter and check that it's 6:28. UGH, FUCK MY LIFE! I sprint down stairs grab my black jansport backpack and car keys and head out the door.

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