The Era of Sovereign Individualism

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Sometimes I think a person showing mixed signs of chronic sloth and procrastination is saying he's another way of saying he's a sovereign individual. One not so much apart of the current economic structure. But a mere nomad you might call us. A wandering traveler bearing what few gifts and services to offer, could I possibly be describing the nature of the three wise men? A sort of admittance of sins that are being absolved by the acts of good charity by the received penance. Another words not matter what little man can give society, he can give all areas of human industry his effectiveness, whether performing a service or producing a product he does all he can to ensure he follows his two main principles. Consistency and reliability no matter what level'shis skill even if it's below company expectations, he's a fighter in his job to the end, and he'll never give up even to the day of his discharge from employment.

But he only wanted to give all the world his best. Not one business, or charitable foundation, but serves society in all industries or move on too other cities for different crowds to be Holden too and spectated upon. These are the vestiges that make a sovereign individual wort h his salt. As goes the saying, Knowledge is useful, but it doesn't ensure survivability. But these kind of men and women are few to be found, due to the escalation in propaganda spearheaded by the us department of education. A Prussian modeled system that teachers obedience and strict unconditional self discipline. I don't know about you. But even the private school might look like Hitler youth corp, the average high school kid in America, is faced with more technological equipment and sever disciplinary actions that they look like prisoners of Stalin’s Gulags. This barbarism and degrading debauchery from a 1850's philosopher who thought schools should be handle like cattle ranches, corporates off student disobedience by sponsoring and distributing high priced quality opioid medication, and have the government monopolize the curriculum and teaching to the corporate run us department of education. That departments name is just a disguise to hide college officials, student advisers, from making their deals with big wall street publishing companies and their lobbyists. Hell as the financial services committee as well as the senate budgetary committee's release estimates that, a child entering the current US system of public funded corporate sponsored education is a better return by monetary standards than a shipment of fresh made Coca-Cola ready to be distributed.

Then there is what we say, the protectionist argument of things. Not matter how honest it will look as a good view of policy, it will inevitably crush the sympathy world traders, black-marketeers, and foreign politicians will have for the country that propped a world debt tab of literally hundreds of trillions of dollars. This sort of debacle is what is going to fuck old good uncle SAM straight his fanny and right out his damn mouth. And if any American isn't of aware of the fact that the last true American companies that were heavily regulated, trust busted, and over ran by unions were the last of the progressive producers who cared about the future of America. For example, Kellogg, and US steel. Both were family started, they both shared an employee benefit plan blue printed from Henry Fords program he made in the 20s, they also focused on the quality of a work force to compensate for quantity, they both shared an employee stock share benefit system, and were so efficient in keeping inventory stock that they were beating inflation at the rate of production. Sounding impossibly unbelievable by the laws of economics itself, but I only have 5 words to say, high interest rates, 1970s, gold standard, Nixon, and federal reserve chairman Paul Volcker.

These past paragraphs of government and corporate bugling are profoundly the principles, ideas, and current views of the sovereign individual is is consistently looking for a loop hole into society to still produce, distribute, and create while not being punished by their government masters. I say let the chips fall, let the dice roll, spin DAT wheel, flip the coin, and you got now-where to go but where they want you to be. In America, in a foreclosed home, buying groceries from walmart, an occasional dinner at McDonald’s, and by all means not to forget to visit Mr gas station 5 to 10times a day. Or what we sovereign individual's call the American treadmill of life, your sorry busy by the hostile environment of punishing individual success and outwards ideas, that you have no time to think that’s it's happening to you everyday! Just read the first 2 paragraphs of the military commissions act, the Kelso decision, the Patriot Act, and even the FISA act and you'll know point blank your their actual target.

Or in the words of my favorite Mel Gibson charter Jerry from Conspiracy theory. While him and Julia Roberts are on the run from scary rouge bogus former CIA agents, when in private together will Alice(Julia Roberts), Jerry will always title them as them! A ultimate classic to be treasured, as at the time it was made, it was a red-dawn warning of what flock of horny ravenous blood thirsty beasts of power were on their way to make society as Jerry feared it would end up as. A totalitarian police state, charging on suspicion charging without due process, suspending habeous corporus like Abe Lincoln, and colonizing every little insignificant other countries that posses different races all except the white one.  These thoughts, words, actions, and explanations are that from a sovereign individuals experience of fighting being rejected, spat upon, and mocked as dangerous criminals who were only ever charged on trying to live a life alone away from humanity, it's ways, it's lifestyle, and ultimately to breed a new race of being. One that could shape a constitutional republic once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2011 ⏰

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