joking victim...

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The emoji is reader-chan and the other is the girl... oh and please listene to the vid I love the song! Couldn't really find one where they actually sing the lyrics, and I aswell belive no women should ever get rape, doesn't have to do with the story, but the beat fits you know. Get ready my luvley readers! I packed lots of emotion into this one! Hope you guys like it! Oh and some things come up from le past, so if no understand comment on what's fuzzy to you and I'll reply, soon!

A ray of light shined in to the dark room, waking you up.
You streched out your arms and legs, while yawning.
You groggily sat up.
When you noticed you had nothing on.
You gaspped and pulled the purple covers, succesfully covering your breast.
Your face flushed red as the memories of last night filled your head. You laid back down and looked around the room. It was a dark purple room.
Suddently the sheets behind you rustled a little as the purple guy flipped around and slightly snored.
(Ahhh! Fangirling!!!)
His arm wrapping around your stomachg. Your eyes widened as you blushed terribly.
You slightly lifted the sheets, seeing you were naked and Vincent was naked.
Your eyes widened and your face was now full on tomatoe mode.
You softly spoke.
"Vincent... "
You looked up at his sleeping face and smiled.
You were five, and Vincent was eight. You and your mom were driving Vincent home, since he came over and it got dark out. He fell asleep, leaning against you.
You smiled and kissed his forhead. He smiled in his dream.
"Mommy my grapey fell asleep!"
Your mom just giggled.
You guys' finally reached Vincent's house.
Outside was scarlet waitting. Vendetta was in the lawn with her playing with a ball, he was 10 yrs old.
Your mom hopped off the car and opened the door.
Scarlet smiled and walked over reaching in and craddleling Vincent in her arms.
"Thankyou (m/n) *mom name* and (y/n)."
You smiled and jumpped off the car.
"Mrs. Vinny's mom, do you think I can help you sett him to bed?"
She giggled.
"But ofcourse!"
She signaled you to follow her.
You turned to your mom who nodded.
You followed scarlet in. Vendetta seemed to be staring at you.
She walked up some steps and finally reached a purple door.
In were two beds and toys.
She tucked Vincent in and kissed his forhead.
"Take as much time as you need dear."
You smiled and nodded.
She left the room.
You turned to Vincent.
He sleeped peacefully.
"Goodnight Vinny~"
You gripped his hand and kissed his cheek.
"I don't care if your a grape... your my grape~ Love you."
You released his hand and stepped back turning around to see Vendetta standing at the door way.
"Oh... s-sorry, b-bye!"
You ran out the room.
*End of flashback*
You leaned in and kissed Vincent's cheek.
"Morning my grapey... "
Vincent's eyes slowly opened and he smiled huge.
"And good morning to you my love~"
He purred out.
You giggled.
He pulled you in close and kissed your forehead.
"I love you love!"
You smiled.
Vincent hugged you tight while one of his legs wrapped around yours.
He gently kissed your neck, making you slightly moan.
He grinned against your skin.
"What do you say we have round two."
You giggled.
"Sounds fun, but I can't... I have school."
He groanned pulling away.
He pouted.
"Your no fun... "
"Yeah, yeah you have work too you know."
He sighed.
You sat up holding the sheets against your breast.
Vincent grinned and rann his fingers against your back.
"Mmm... so soft~"
He purred out with half lidded eyes.
You shivered.
You stood up, being a blushing mess since you were naked.
Vincent grinned with widened eyes. You quickly found one of his T-shirts and put it on, it reaching your knees.
You were putting your hair in a messy bun, when you felt a hard smack on your ass.
You yelped and jumpped.
Vincent grinned pervertedley.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight.
You blushed.
"You know... I wish this moment could last forever."
You smiled and held his wrist.
"Your my grape, and I love my grape."
He chuckled.
His phone then ringed.
He quickly looked at the number and didn't answer.
You rose a brow.
"Why didn't you answer?"
"Uhm... it's not important."
You walked out of the college campus. Vinny went to dropp you off home and went to work. You jumpped on your motorcycle and drove home. You walked in dropping your school stuff everywhere.
You looked around the living room, spotting you freddy's uniform. You smiled at the tought of Vincent.

This love can kill (Vincent/purple guy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now