~ Chapter 6 ~

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Today passed by like an utter, hazy blur. First, the weird encounter with Tyler the toilet paper freak, then the in-depth conversation with Amy and lastly, the perv-y scenarios I was poised in within the confinement of my boss' office that's main purpose is for intercourse rather than actual work.

Who knows how much that rooms contaminated. The whole place could be covered in all various STDs and AIDS.

I shivered at the thought, swallowing the ball of bile that was slowly escalating up my throat. I made my way through the cramped halls of the apartment building, jiggling the keys in my hand and whistling the tune to Fifth Harmony's 'Worth It'.

I didn't know why, but that song was pretty catchy.

Jabbing the keys into the slit of the lock, I twisted it and pushed the door open, being quickly enveloped in a noir setting. I felt around blindly for the light switch beside the door and flipped it on.


"Oh my God!" I breathed out, placing a hand to my chest. "You donkey butt! You scared the nuts outta me! I was just about to pee my pants man! Not cool!"

She laughed, shuffling over to me with a small, beautifully decorated cake in hand. I furrowed my brows, curious as to why she was holding a cake at this hour in the dark. I looked behind her to see a few multicoloured balloons plastered on the wall and a bright string of neon coloured letters stuck right beside them.

"What's with all the decorations?" I eyed the letters. "Is it Zella's birthday?"

"What--no!" She stared at me incredulously. What? It was merely an innocent question?! "It's your birthday idiot!"

I blinked. "What? Wait really?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes at the ceiling. "How much of a dumbass can one be?"

"Are you sure it's my birthday?"

"Hmm, lets see. Last time I checked, it was October the nineteenth," she laid out flatly.


She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "Just leave it. Here!"

I stared down at the cake that was decorated with iced carrots along the brim of the circular cake with few gently sprinkled chocolate shavings.

"Hello-o-o-o?" She called out, teetering the cake in her hands.

The wax candle numbered 22 gleamed as it melted from the scorching heat of the flickering flame of fire. I blew the candle, successfully extinguishing the flame.

"Happy birthday to you! Your a little piece of poo, you stink and your smelly, but I loveeee youuu," Stacie sang in her angelic voice. No like I'm dead serious, she sang like Rachael from Glee, maybe even better than that.

I'm not so great at analogizing......

I laughed as she side hugged me and lightly kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday baby sis! You've grown up way too fast."

I laughed again. "Well you've grown too slow. Immatureness isn't the best quality."

She imitated me in a squeaky manner. "It's ironic to hear that from the one who laughs like a hyena at the mention of fart!"

"But that's actually funny!" I whined.

She shook her head, the red thatch of hair on her head moving along with her quick movements. She went over to the small, scarred and scratched table, placing the cake atop it. She gestured me to come forward. I followed as told and within after only seconds did I feel the slight cold and wet tinge on the side of my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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