Tell Me You Still Feel It Too (Larry)

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I thank the crowd one last time blowing kisses to the people close to me before prancing off stage. As soon as they can't see me I let the smile drop from my face and pure exhaustion takes over my body. I somehow make it to my changing and change into something more comfortable before I run into anyone. I'm waiting by the door to leave when Louis walks up to me with an angry look on his face, I don't want to do this right now. I'm to tired to deal with him right now. 

"You can't keep fucking doing that to me, Harry!" Louis says rather loudly causing our crew to look over at him in concern. Louis takes my wrist in his hand and drags me into one of the nearby dressing rooms so that we can be alone for whatever shit he's about to start.

"What are you on about?" I ask genuinely not understanding what he means. I don't think I've done anything that would have upset him, but with Louis you never know these days. It seems like every time I even glance in his direction he gets angry with me. He balls his fists up at his sides and I have to look at the floor to keep myself from thinking about things that I shouldn't. I shouldn't be thinking about how hot Louis looks in his sweat soaked black tank top. We aren't together anymore, haven't been for two years.

"Strong. 18" he says and when I shrug my shoulders he lets out a huge puff of air. "You were basically staring at me-" Liam opens the door to the dressing room, takes one look at Louis' angry face and drags him out of the room.

"Come on, Tommo. Let's go back to the bus." I let out a relieved sigh that I don't have to deal with the rest of what that was going to be. Sometimes Louis can be a little to much to handle especially when anything about me comes up. Even two years later the subject of 'us' or anything that people seems to think make 'us' makes Louis mad. Niall told me that it's because he still cares about me in that way a lot and that he doesn't want to think about that if it's not actually happening. 

"You okay?" Niall asks popping his head into the room. "I heard Lou yelling at you..." I nod my head and Niall comes into the room wrapping an arm around me as he leads me outside. He rubs my shoulder and I'm glad to have such supportive band mates, they haven't taken sides ever. They are neutral when it comes to Louis and I, they support us both equally and have tried to help us get over this thing we thought was puppy love. 

Niall and I are in one car while Liam and Louis are in the bus, they take us to a fancy hotel and, for once we get into our rooms quickly. Being left alone with my thoughts probably isn't the best thing for me to be doing, but I do it anyway. I take a shower than flop onto the over sized hotel bed that smells too clean. This bed is way to big for one person and I can't help but think about when Louis and I used to share beds like these. 

It's been a two years, I thought that these feelings would have faded by now. I thought that maybe if we gave up it would go away like management wanted it too, but my feelings for him are still here. I know that he still cares because he wouldn't be getting mad about little things like me looking at him if he didn't care. I can't push memories of him and I away from my head, long nights spent curled in his arms, cheeky showers together and the rare mornings where we are allowed to sleep in. 

I wonder if I really was staring at him while I was singing those songs, I can't really remember. I feel like my body does that naturally when I sing a certain lyric

My phone buzzes with a message from a person that has only sent me stiff professional texts for the last two years. Most the time he straight refuses to even text me at all having one of the other guys do it for him. I open the message to see what he's sent me. 

Louis: I'm sorry that I shouted at you. Can I come to your room so we can talk?

I send him back a quick sure before looking around for some type of clothing, just wearing boxers won't cut it. Sure he's seen every part of my body but that doesn't mean that he needs to right now. I sit on sofa in the room off of the bedroom, honestly we don't need rooms this big. I don't understand why they do this. I can't help but feel like I want to go back to how things used to be between Louis and I. Maybe not exactly the same but I miss him. He's the love of my life and I can't stand to deny that any longer. It's stupid that we aren't together. We love each other that means we should be together. 

A knock on my door cuts off my thoughts and my heart starts racing as I walk over to the door. I open the door and Louis quickly steps inside closing the door behind him. He's wearing a pair of joggers and a sweater that is way to big for him, I really just want to hug him but I don't. We walk over to the couch with out a word and sit down across from each other with our legs crossed in front of us. I'm the one to break the silence after a few moments of awkward silence. 

"Was...was I really staring at you?" I ask looking down at him, his face turns into a look of surprise like that's not what he expected me to say. He chuckles fiddling with a bracelet on his wrist before looking up at me and answering. 

"I think it's just certain lines in most songs but during 18 you never looked at the crowd, you were either looking at me or at the stage." he sounds tired and much calmer than he was at our earlier encounter. He watches me as I think about what he just said trying to remember if I really did that or not. I'm fairly sure that I did.

"Lou why are we doing this?" I ask and Louis looks at me with confusion, "Why are we giving them exactly what they want?" Louis looks away and when he meets my eyes again all I see is sadness and hurt in his eyes. I just want to take his pain away.

"Because we thought that was what was best for us." Louis looks down again then scoots a little closer to me. "Do you still love me like you did back then?"

"Yes, of course, always." That's all that comes out of my mouth before my lips are pressed firmly against Louis'. It's almost strange having his lips against mine after being without them for so long. He pushes me back on the couch lying on top of me as we continue to kiss. 

"I love you, Harry." Louis whispers against my lips before trying to get off of me, I hold him in place not wanting to lose contact with him for even a second. He smiles down at me and I think that is what I have missed the most. His smile is the prettiest thing in the world and I've missed seeing it be so real. He can fake a smile all he wants but I know what his real one looks like. 

"I love you too, Louis." Louis backs away from me again and this time I let him. He looks down at his phone and frowns, which makes me sit up wondering what is taking that pretty smile of his face. 

"Liam wants me to come back down." Louis says and I frown pulling him into my arms. He lets his head rest against my shoulder as he holds me tightly like he's afraid I'm going to make him leave. 

"Please, stay." I whisper in his ear before planting a kiss on his neck.


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