Chapter 4: The First Checkpoint

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Letting out a nervous sigh, Rogers sets the ship to autopilot as they begin to approach the D-17 Jump Gate. Two jumps away from Tera, one frack up away from prison. The first Jump Gate is Lo-Sec and shouldn't be too hard to get through, but the punishment for smuggling through either Jump Gate is the same; life on a prison planet. As someone who frequently smuggles things into prison planets, Rogers knows all too well what awaits him if he messes up.

"Hey, Johnny?" Rogers calls out into the comms, "Everything set up back there?"

"Yeah, the jammers are in place and functioning properly," he says as he starts exiting the gunner's seat.

"Alright, get your ass up to the cabin and strap in. We're about to reach the Jump Gate."

Johnny steps into the cabin and takes a seat behind the captain. "This should be fine, but the Tera Gate...." he says worryingly as he latches himself into the seat.

"I know... let's get through this gate first and then we'll figure something out. I don't think Will would send me into a death trap... twice, but we will set up a plan B just in case," he sighs.


"This is the UEE. You are approaching the D-17 Jump Gate. Please identify yourselves and state your purpose."

"I am Edward James of the Iron Horse. I have a +1 on board and we are traveling to the Cronus system in search of work and home," Rogers says in an almost disgusted tone. The only thing Rogers hated more than the idea of making an honest living as a farmer in the Cronus system, was the idea of having to lie about his identity. Rogers is a very proud man, and very proud of his various exploits under his real name, but pride won't get you past Jump Gates.

"Understood Mr. James. We are going to need to run a scan, then you will be allowed to jump to the Cronus system if everything checks out."

Out of the side of the Jump Gate a few holes open up and three metallic balls shoot out. The scanning drones start approaching the ship and begin detecting for anything suspicious or illegal on board. Johnny had already set up the jammers beforehand, so any scans near the package should come back clean. The old jammers were designed to interfere with the signals and required a UEE agent to come aboard and check manually, but the new jammers put up camouflaged walls and trick the scanner into thinking certain pockets of the ship are empty. After a minute, the scanners are pulled back into the gate.

"It looks like your ship is clean, the only thing inside are farming tools. Your story seems to check out, but your credentials aren't in order, you haven't had your ship inspected in over a year."

"I'm sorry about that, I had to sell my main ship a while back and haven't gotten around to getting this one in order yet. We are really hurting for work and a buddy on Dagon said he had a job if we hurry, but he's only gonna to wait so long."

"I have a sister on Dagon. A lot of people are headed there for work so I guess It's okay to let you go this time, but  the second you land planet side, you will need to get your paperwork in order. I'll send message to Dagon to be waiting for you. You are clear to go."

"Will do. Thanks."

Rogers lines the ship up with the Jump Gate and prepares to engage the Jump Drive. "Let's get the frack out of here, Johnny."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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