05. You Have a Nightmare (Kota and Victor)

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A cracking sound echoed in your ears as small cracks appeared on the glass under your feet. You scrambled to find a way out, the city loomed under you. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, and your breathing became uneven. The glass broke and with a fearful scream, you fell.

Kota: Your eyes dart to the doorway of your kitchen as you nurse a mug of hot chocolate, a matching mug sits on the counter. You shiver as the adrenaline starts to dissipate, the coldness of the kitchen tiles starting to register.

"Are you okay? You're shivering." Kota's soothing voice asks from the doorway, you met his eyes before giving him a tight smile. Now the initial fear had seemed to disappear you were feeling a bit ridiculous.

"Yeah, it was a stupid dream. I'm sorry I woke you up." You were sorry, now you could clearly see the bags under his eyes. Kota was always busy between his family, his team, school and you, he was clearly starting to get run down. Kota makes his way over sitting beside you and grabbing his hot chocolate.

"It's not stupid if it scares you and I'd rather get woken up then have you suffer by yourself" He said with a soft smile but his eyes were serious, letting you know just how much he cared. You smile softly touched by his love; you lean over pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek before leaning your head on his shoulder. You had always dealt with your nightmares alone but now you didn't have to, because you had a beautiful boyfriend.

Victor: You sit wide awake next to Victor's sleeping body haunted by the nightmare that had forced you awake. You glance at Victor's face seeing the peaceful expression, you didn't want to disturb his sleep as recently he had been staying up late doing favours for his friends. You attempt to slip out of the bed in order to get a drink but before you can get out of the bed, a lean arm wraps around your waist. Victor gently tugs you down so your back is resting against his chest and your gently wrapped up in his arms.

"What's wrong Princess?" Victor whispers gently, his breath sending pleasurable shivers down your spine and enveloping you in a circle of trust and warmth.

"Nightmare" You respond quietly, your fingers gently playing with his fingers that were gently resting on your stomach. You felt a bit embarrassed at your reaction to your nightmare. Victor silently rolls out of bed making his way over the grand piano in the corner.

"You don't have too, it's late. You should go back to sleep" You argue slightly feeling exceptionally bad for waking him up in the first place. Victor looks at you with a determined grin.

"Will you go back to sleep too?" Victor questions with a raised eyebrow. Your silence gave him his answer, its not like you wouldn't try to go to sleep but your brain was still reeling from the nightmare. Victor turns back to his piano and the soothing tune that came from the piano was enough to nearly send you straight back to sleep. As much as you wanted to stay up and continue to listen to Victor's playing, your eyes had slowly started to drift shut, barely stirring when Victor finished playing and re-joined you in bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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