[ xliv :: escape ]

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And I will give you all my heart.

So we can start it all over again.

You'll never know how to make it on your own

And you'll never show weakness for letting go

I guess you're still hurt if they say so

But do you really want to be alone?

- "Over Again" || One Direction


"Niall, Jesus - I thought it was your turn to go grocery shopping, mate!"

"It was, and everyone ate all our food for brunch, Lou."

Zayn groans.

He can hear his friends' voices all the way from the kitchen.

Why can he hear their voices all the way from the kitchen?

It feels early, and he groans, rolling over expecting to roll right into Anais, and when he continues to roll, feeling nothing but sheets and more bed and no Anais, he situs up and rubs his eyes and sees himself to be alone in bed.


Okay, like, why is he alone in bed?

Louis groans loudly. "Shit, mate. Feel like going shopping today?"

"Quiet, Lou!" Niall drops his voice, "The girl's are still sleeping."

Louis groans audibly, and then lets his voice fall a few decibels, "Feel like going shopping today?"

Niall laughs loudly. "Yeah, no."

"Shit...." There's a long pause. "Think Zayn'll go?"

Niall laughs again. "Good luck wakin' him up before two."

"Ugh," Louis exclaims. "But, I'm so hungry."

Zayn's rubbing his eyes, attempting to get them to focus. He can hear his friends because he's realized that the door to his bedroom is cracked.

It's open.

What the fuck, did Anais, leave?

She's gone.

She left.

She left?

Okay, so he knew she wanted to leave the night before. He knew she had things to do, today, but that had never stopped her before, so why should it, now?

It's raining.

As his friends voices die down he can hear it. The heavy pitter-patter of rainfall on his bedroom window. The sky is dark and the rain is falling, and Zayn can tell that it must be about time for winter to stop and spring to start. He can tell that the air is getting warmer, so all that moisture in the air isn't freezing any longer and is, instead, coming down in the cold shower, outside.

Zayn rolls over, attempting to go back to sleep.

He wills the rain to lull him back to sleep.

But, the sheets are cold, now.

There is no warm body beside him.

Now, he's awake.

Now, he's thinking.

Now, he can't even fucking sleep.

So, Zayn rises from bed and slips on a hoodie and a fitted cap and pads grumpily down the hall.

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