Well ok then

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(Maya pov)

"It means I love you." He said

"Really!" I said

"Ya...but we have a problem." Lou said

"What's that?" I asked

"I...um have a....girlfriend." He said

"WHAT" I yelled

"Ya I know but please don't hate me."

"Oh my god! You have a girlfriend and I've kissed you twice! OMG people are going to think I'm a whore!" I said

"Maya calm down. We got into a fight anyway I was going to break up with her. Please quite crying please." He said

I didn't even realize I was crying until he said something.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Because I knew if I did you might not like me anymore and I like you a lot Maya. Please don't hate me. I don't know what I would do if you hated me." He said

He then started to cry. I couldn't take it anymore I love him and there's no denying it.

"Lou please calm down." I said hugging him

"Why should I, you hate me now." He said

"No I don't." I said

"You don't?" He asked

"No I don't." I said

"S..so you forgive me?" He asked

"Yes it just took me by surprise. Also I couldn't be mad at you I love you." I said

"Really?" He asked

"Yes" I said

"Th.." He began to say

"Louis come down here!" Harry yelled

"Why?" Lou asked

"Because there's someone that needs to talk to you." Haz said

"Ok i'll be right down." Lou said

"Ok" haz said

"I'll be right back." Lou said

"Ok" I said

As he left all I could think was. What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

(Lou pov)

I can't believe this! She said she loves me! But what am I going to do about Eleanor?

"Louis!" A girl yelled

I looked up to see Eleanor. Well I might as well get this over with.

"Hey El." I said

"Well are you going to just stand there or are you going to give me a hug?" She asked

"Umm well El I need to talk to you about something." I said

"What's that?" She asked

"I think we should break up." I said

"WHAT! WHY!" She asked

"Because I just don't feel the spark anymore. Sorry." I said

"OH MY GOD! WHAT!" She yelled

"I'm sorry please don't cause a seen."

"Whatever your lousing the best thing that ever happened to you!" She screamed

"No the best thing to ever happen to me is upstairs waiting for me." I say

"Wha..." She began but she just stopped. She was looking over my shoulder

I turned around to see Maya standing there.

"Maya please go back upstairs." I said

"what your picking this little bitch over me!Your a fucking boyfriend stealer!" El yelled

"El that's enought!" I yelled

"Well it's the truth." She said

I could see Maya crying. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her.

"Eleanor it's time for you to leave." I said

"Fine" she snapped

She finally left. I felt so bad for Maya. I looked over at the living room door to see the guys and Sue standing at the door looking proud of me and worried for Maya.

Also I could tell they wanted to tell Maya about Sue but were scared. Finally Liam step forward to say something.

"Ok Maya I know your upset but we want you to meet someone." Liam said

"Ok I'm fine." She said wiping away her tears.

"Maya this is sister Sue." Harry said

We were all waiting to see if she passed out but nothing was happening. Finally sue step forward.

(Maya pov)

"Maya this is your sister Sue." Harry said

I could tell they were waiting for something to happen but I knew nothing was going to happen. Finally this Sue girl step forward.

"Hi, I'm glade to finally meet you." She said

"Hi....sorry about earlier but it was just so sudden I didn't know how to handle it." I said

"It ok but the reason I'm here is because the rest of the family wants to meet you." She said

"The rest?" I asked

"Ya and theres a lot and if it starts to become to much please tell me." She said

"Ok." I said

"Ok so there is are other sisters Kathy, Sissy, and Nikita. Also are brothers Mark, Seth, Mathew, and Nick. And of course are parents. But are grandparent, aunt, and cousins they might want meet you to.

"What's there names?" I asked by now we had moved into the living room

She started to tell us all there names. Trust me there were a lot of them. As she started to get to the end both me and the boys were amazed.

"Wow huge family." Lou said

"You have no clue." She said

"How do you remember all of this?" Harry asked

"Because we all live in one big house." She said

"Wow so how do you all fit?" Asked Zayn

"How do you have enough food?"asked Niall

"I don't know but we do." She said

"So I have one question." I said

"What's that?" She asked

"Well I can't see the future and the past. Also I can see dead people. Can the others?" I asked

"Well Kelly...." She started

"Who's Kelly?" I asked

"Oh I forgot she's your twin." She said

"I have a twin." I said

"Ya and she has the same powers as you. Kind of"

"Ok so what powers do you have?" I asked

"I can read minds." She said

"She can also teleport people." Some girl said from behind me

All I could think at that moment was WHAT THE FUCK WHO IS BEHIND ME!!!


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