Diagon Alley

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"Blimey." James said quietly, shaking himself off after the uncomfortable transport and stepping out of one of the various chimney's that lined the first block of Diagon Alley. Harry followed suit, looking up and down the strip. The sidewalks were bustling with people on either side, rushing in and out of the shops.

"We'd better find your mother and the kids." Harry finally said as they wove between wizards and witches of all ages. We've taken a bit longer than expected."

"Harry!" A familiar voice called from behind them, "James!" They both turned quickly to see, Hermoine Weasley (maiden name Granger) one of Harry's two best friends from Hogwarts striding toward them.

"Bloody hell, Hermoine. Slow down!" Harry's other best friend, Ron Weasley, called to his wife. Ron and Hermoine were now also Harry's brother and sister-in-laws, because Ron just happened to be Ginevra's older brother. Ron was holding the hand of a small boy at least 3 years younger than James. Between the two they had two children, Rose (or Rosie) and Hugo. There was only 3 months between Harry's son Albus and Ron's daughter Rosie, who seemed to be in her own little world with her nose buried deep into a book whose name was covered by her little pale hands. "Oh, Harry!" Ron smiled. "What are you guys up to this afternoon?"

"Just doing a bit of shopping for James." Harry smiled, pulling the envelope out of his jacket pocket. Rosie looked up from her book and shook her head in annoyance. She still had two years to go before she would receive her Hogwarts letter and she obviously wasn't very happy to be waiting. Hermoine grinned widely at her nephew James. "Just came this morning."

"Well, I believe that we should celebrate." Hermoine piped up. "Why don't we all have dinner at the Leaky Cauldron tonight?" James smiled at his aunt and nodded slightly. "We're very excited for you."

"Thanks, Aunt Hermoine." James smiled.

"Just remember that you're a natural-born Gryffindor." Ron finally said excitedly. "Mother and father both. All of your mum and I's family have been in Gryffindor. Same as Harry's mum and dad."

"Yes, Uncle Ron." James said quietly, finally realizing that he had a huge chance of being placed in Slytherin.

"Right." Harry said suddenly, "Well, we need to go find Ginevra and the children." Hermoine smiled understandingly, whispering something in Ron's ear as she surveys the slight look of fear on James face at the thought of being placed in Slytherin.

"We'll see you at the leaky cauldron at around 6?" Hermoine smiled at the two.

"Of course," James piped up, his Aunt Hermoine was one of his favorite people to be around. She is so smart, even went back to Hogwarts after the Battle of Hogwarts to make sure that she was able to graduate, which of course she did at the top of her class. It wasn't just her brains that drew James to her though, she loved his aunt more for her bravery and strength. She held her head high all the way through 7 years of torture from other students for being a muggleborn witch and still came out above all the rest. "We will see you then." The two groups then nodded to each and turned their separate ways, Harry and James heading down the alley to Florish and Blotts book store.

"There you are!" Ginny smiled, as the two stepped through the swing door, causing a bell to jingle heartily. Albus looked at his brother with a look of extreme displeasure and annoyance, knowing all too well that their father had given him some kind of surprise.

"Where have you been?" Albus piped up. "We've been waiting awhile."

"Well-" James started, but stopped short realizing that he was already breaking his promise to his father. "We ran into Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermoine, Rosie, and Hugo. We're going to have dinner with them at The Leaky Cauldron around 6." Albus nodded, but it was obvious that he wasn't satisfied with that answer. The family gathered James' new books and they made they're way out of the book store and down the alley to the next wizarding shop, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Harry turned to Ginny quietly.

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