Good Morning

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/////EDIT: This is a work in progress. I may have added another chapter to this story, but sometimes I need to move a bit to be able to figure out how to end this chapter. I'm sorry for my unorganized writing, but I am trying to make a good story.\\\\\

The screech of an owl echoed through the house as the Potter family sat down to breakfast early on Saturday, 30 June. Harry looked up with a smile on his face as an Eurasian Eagle Owl had landed on the windowsill staring at the family of five, a small, off white envelope held tightly in the birds beak.

"James." Harry turned to his wife, Ginevra (Or Ginny as she is more commonly known as), who was now beaming at her son. "Could you bring me the post?" James nods as he crosses the kitchen to the window where the bird still sat, waiting.

"Thanks, Eilwen." James said, as he took the envelope and the bird flew off. James held the envelope in his hand, tightly, examining the seal used to hold it shut. His eyes began to widen as he started to realize where he'd seen it before.

"Well," his mother smiled, "What is it then?" James turned the envelope over in his hand:

James S. Potter

34 High Street

Godric's Hollow

"It's for me." James practically runs to the table as he pulls up the seal, "From Hogwarts!" As soon as the seal was broken, the letter opened itself and floated in front of the eleven year old boy's face. James began to read allowed.

"Dear Mr. James S. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that have you have been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Hogwarts we teach students how to use and control magic. Enclosed you should find a list of supplies that all first year students must bring with them to Hogwarts.

Term begins on 1st September.

We will be expecting your owl no later than 3rd July.

Best Wishes,

Headmistress Minerva McGonnagall"

James cheered with laughter as he finished reading.

"It seems we may need to take a trip to Diagon Alley this evening." Ginny said, clearing the breakfast table and laying the dishes in the sink to be washed. Lily, the youngest and only daughter of the Potter's, jumped up from the table

"Does this mean we can go to Florean Fatescue's?!" She cried. Harry smiled and nodded slightly.

"Go get ready and we will see what we can do." Ginny smiled, turning to the sink as the dish scrubber floated up and started to wash the dishes.


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