Chapter Two

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The sunlight peeked through the white blinds and hit my eyelids. There was a comforting warmth against my tanned body.

I slowly blinked open my eyes to see Jellal staring at me with his beautiful honey orbs, "Good morning, love," he gave me that smile that sent my heart aflutter.

"Good morning to you too, Jellal." I rolled over and looked at him with a slightly grin on my face.

"How did you sleep?" He asked with a small smirk on his face as he pulled me in closer.

"I slept very nicely," I replied calmly but the blush that rose on my face betrayed my tone.

My husband reached in to kiss me only before being mauled by a little Carter tackling his face.

"Dad! It doesn't take a million years to wake up!" The small boy complained while throwing his fists in the air.

"Heh. Oh Carter. You have to give Mommy and I some time to have a little fun ourselves, you know?" Jellal chuckled lightly.

Carter's face twisted, "What do ya mean? What do you and mommy do for fun?"

I could see how tense Jellal's face was from trying not to burst out laughing, "I'll explain to you when you're older, son."

"But I wanna know now!" Carter hit Jellal's forehead with his tiny fist.

"No ya don't," Jellal picked the him up in the air and bounced him around, "Where's Jenna?"

The door opened slowly and a small girl with lavender hair, dragging a teddy bear walked in the room. She let out a small yawn and rubbed her eyes, "Good morning Mommy and Daddy," she said quietly.

This was one of the most adorable states I have ever seen her.

I slid out of the bed and picked Jenna up, "Good morning, sweetie. Are you hungry?"

"Food~" she murmured sleepily.

"Why don't we go eat with Aunt Alexa?" Jellal suggested as he started dressing Carter in his clothes.

"Good idea," I agreed with a simple nod of my head.

"Yay! Aunt Alexa!" Carter cheered enthusiastically while throwing his hands in the air.

Over this vacation we ate with Alexa often. She was very welcoming, but I suppose it is mostly because of Carter. Even if we weren't on vacation she was a doll went it came to us visiting. I could remember her cheerful face perfectly in my head. When her eyes landed on Carter her face lit up like a thousand stars. I was happy that Carter and his aunt had developed a close relationship.

Once we were all ready in our summer wear we headed over to Alexa and Jacob's hotel room which was not too far down the hallway. The carpets were red velvet with some dark purple floral designs that didn't stand out much. Although the carpet may have been like any normal hotel; the walls definitely were not.

They were painted in a cartoon-like style to represent the beach. Some seagulls painted white and gray were painted higher with huge eyes to aim towards a child's liking. There were blue waves with white tips and sandy shores of yellow and brown tones. It was very unique and enjoyable.

Like a cat after a mouse, Carter scurried down the hallway towards our family's room while Jenna skipped over the purple lines on the carpet; making sure not to step on one.

"Carter!" Alexa cheered as she picked my lavender haired son up and swung him around, "Yay! Auntie Lexa!" Carter giggled while hugging her around the neck, his arms to stubby to hug her any other way.

"Hey guys," Jacob said with a warm smile as we reached the door, "I made breakfast so if y'all would care to join us?"

Not after long we were sitting at their hotel room's table eating pancakes and scrambled eggs. Alexa was telling Carter about the sword she saw in one of the gift shops, while Carter gawked in awe. Jellal and Jacob were talking about last year's Grand Magic Games tournament while I poked at my third pancake with my black plastic fork.

Jenna was drawing with a red crayon on a tan napkin, after finishing her pancakes. She wasn't usually the silent type, but when it came to family meals she was.

"Hey Mommy!" Carter's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Could I stay over at Auntie Lexa's for the night?"

"Oh um..." My thoughts rushed. He'd never slept without Jenna before. How would he feel being away from his parents too? Plus, Alexa would have to deal with all his drama and--

"It's fine Nashi," Alexa reassured, "I don't mind taking him in for the night."

"Well, I suppose," I returned my gaze to my beloved son, "You'll behave right?"



"I promise, Mommy!" He nodded his head urgently.

"Alright," I sighed before Carter let out a little "Yay," of celebration.

We thanked them for the meal after clearing out plates, slipping on our shoes and heading out the door. I was still  over-the-top concerned for Carter. My mind was a spinning record, repeating my feelings and concerns.

As the door shut behind us, I let out a sigh. Hopefully they'll be okay.

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