The Moonlight Howl

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The moonlight howl was an annual event too kick off senior year for the kids in the pack, the alpha family hosted and wished the seniors good luck.

The alpha female approached the middle of the circle of seniors, grinning at each in turn. "Welcome to the moonlight howl my friends, it's a big year for all of you, soon enough it'll be all of you running this pack... My husband and I wish you all the very best of luck."

A whoop erupted from the teens in the circle as they took up an all too familiar chant. "Alpha Briese, Alpha Midnight, God save the alphas, long live the alphas."

As the alphas withdrew, returning to their home, the party was in full swing.

Ally wandered away from her friends, drawing as little attention to herself as possible. The others had talked with the alpha female about Stevie and it was agreed that at the next meeting in a month Stevie could give the trials a shot... The trials, something every wolf of the pack had to go through... but Stevie was so skinny... and Ally didn't doubt the girl was strong but if she failed then they test her harder next time...


Ally's heart was tearing out of her chest, cuts and bruises ran up and down her arms, her whole body ached as if it was all one big throbbing bruise. She panted uncontrollably.

She'd spent so long trying to prepare but of course, nothing can prepare you for the trials... they're always different and it's meant to weed out the weak. Ally had already made one attempt, if she failed again... that was it. She spurred herself onward through the trees, determined to finish.


Ally shuddered at the memory, the second time she took the trials... it was terrible, she'd finished yes, but she had a rather permanent reminder of her near failure and a reputation at the county hospital as a full fledged miracle. She was so lost in her own thoughts she hadn't even noticed Stevie picking her way through the crowd to her.

"Hey!" said Stevie cheerfully. Ally snapped back to reality.

"Hey." She replied, hoping her unenthusiastic reply might get Stevie to ditch her.

"Why do you look so worried?" Stevie pried, "your eyebrows are all furrowed up and you look upset. You're worried."

"You realize that the trials will be coming up in a month don't you?" Ally hadn't meant to sound so mean but it looked as if Stevie understood because when she replied her voice was calm.

"Yes, but you only just met me so what's it to you?" This made Ally glance at her, she didn't look angry or like she was teasing, she was genuinely curious as to why Ally would care.

"If you fail the first time they only give you one more chance, and the second time... it isn't just harder, its nearly impossible." Ally replied, "the only other way you could get in though is if someone vouched for you and took the trials in your place..."

"I... I'm sure I'll be fine." Stevie looked nervous now, "so about this gift of yours...."

A- "Shit she's trying to change the subject and that's what she wants to talk about!!"

"Um-uhhh, I uh...." Ally internally groaned at the thought of Stevie being freaked out... the gift was a bad omen after all....

"Come on, just show me." Stevie begged, her hand slid down Ally's arm making Ally jump. "Sorry.. I-" Stevie began quickly but Ally cut her off.

"It's all good, follow me and I'll show you, just don't freak out ok?" She demanded as they walked deeper into the woods.

"I won't." Stevie sounded confident.

"We'll see..." Ally thought to herself. Ally led her to a clearing she knew only a little walk from the bonfire. Ally stood Stevie right in the center of the clearing.

"See your shadow?" Ally asked, indicating her shadow from the way the moonlight hit the ground. "Watch me." Ally dove forward and then she was gone. Stevie twisted and spun, looking desperately for her. Ally waved at her across the clearing then instantly Ally was back at her side.

"What? How did? YOUR A SHADOW JUMPER?!" Stevie exclaimed

"You uh, you promised not to freak.." Ally pointed out.

"Wh- Me? I-I'm not freaking out, not freaking out, this is me.... not freaking out.. What uh? What else can you uh, you do?" Stevie hesitated before asking to see Ally's other talents. Ally looked up at the sky and grinned to herself, this was her favorite gift.. As she stared at the sky clouds rolled in and immediately after, it began to rain... as soon as the storm came it was gone. Stevie was laughing.

"Wow! Okay I thought astral projecting was cool, but you disappear into shadows and you can create and disperse storms... that's really cool." Stevie was impressed.

"Yes!" Ally thought, "She's not totally terrified!"

"There's uh, one more thing," Ally said quietly, "Watch." She closed her eyes and let the power take over. Wind whipped around them and Stevie looked beyond amazed, they were floating about 10 feet in the air. Ally grinned, "Shadows, Storms, and Wind... they're kinda my thing." She said cheerfully.

"No wonder you're the next beta," Stevie whispered, "this is amazing."

Short chapter, sorry not sorry... next one will be about the trials... what will ally do? will she let stevie take them on by herself?

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