The Miraculous Recovery

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My mouth was dry and my heart beat so hard I thought it would burst from my chest. I told myself I had to keep running. My body ached everywhere, it was only adrenalin that kept me from collapsing.

I ran for the mother, I ran for her baby, I ran for her family and I ran for their future.

It's strange to think just two hours earlier I was having an invigorating walk along the beach. I come here a lot it gives me time to reflect. There was not a soul to be seen in a mile radius. The only sounds were nature; the birds with their morning song and the waves crashing onto the shore. The morning dew drops were disappearing and the sun was beginning to appear between the soft, white clouds. Its such a pity that this beach is in such a remote area, I thought to myself, because people are unaware of its beauty. Perhaps that is the reason for its exquisiteness; not a single footprint, the untouched sand sparkling under the sunlight and the shells perfectly distributed along the shoreline.

I gazed at the glistening sea when in the distance I saw a head pop up gasping for a breath of air. I was sure I was hallucinating and I asked myself the question how much sleep did I get last night? Obviously not enough! I keep my eyes fixed on that spot. Again I saw the person, this time desperately grasping something small. My feet took off the instant I realized it was a woman with her baby. I sprinted into the sea fully clothed and started swimming.

I swam for the mother, I swam for her baby, I swam for their family and I swam for their future.

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