Rude Interruption

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There was a sad hope in your eyes when you started asking me the most dangerous question of them all. We were laughing and having a great time, excited for our songs together. We had a lot of fun during rehearsals and I was thrilled for the people to witness the real thing. I told you I missed laughing with you, that everything's so easy and spontaneous when I'm performing with you. That was when you got suddenly serious.

Right when I was about to go on stage, "What if...", you began. Naturally, I had to cut you off. I couldn't let you finish your sentence. First off, I didn't need the distraction 'cause I was about to go in front of thousands of people. Secondly, I knew where you were going. I recognize that look perfectly well 'cause I see it everyday in my mirror when I ask myself the same exact question. Each and every time, I find my self at a loss for words, trying to find an answer. And lastly, if I ever let you ask that big question, I wouldn't have known how to react. Either way, some people (you, me or them) are going to be hurt. So yeah, let's leave that Pandora's box nailed shut.

Should I have let you speak your mind? Was it wrong of me to not hear you out? You did give up when you saw that I wouldn't hear any of it. For that, I'm sorry. Believe me, it's for our own good. One of us has to think straight or we will end up making a mess of things - everything. If we act on these thoughts and feelings, I am sure there will be flares and the people around us will be the first ones to get burned. I know you don't want that to happen, do you? You would never do anything that would hurt the people we love.

What would be the point in talking about something that shouldn't even exist in the first place? We don't need to torture ourselves. What we have, right now, whatever it is, is perfect. Let's not stir up the hornet's nest. Trust me, we're better off this way.

Yes, I admit, I've often wondered too. What if there was an... us? See, I can't even say it out loud. It's something that shouldn't be dignified by speaking of it. There's me. There's you. We're two separate individuals. There isn't an us. It's a work of fiction and something that should never ever happen and thus should never be thought nor spoken of.  Hey, I got it. That's it. There's my answer. That is what I should tell the person in front of the mirror if I ever find her asking that question again.


You were laughing so heartily that I wasn't able to stop myself from asking you but when I did, I felt you catch your breath as you looked away. Suddenly, you were asking me about what I thought of you covering Radiohead. How random, I thought. I tried asking again but you cut me off again, telling me you're thinking of singing "Creep" for your concert. I told you that you could sing any song you put your heart into and that "Creep" is actually a great song choice. It was one of my favourites. You didn't give me any chance to get back on track again 'cause you kept going on and on about really random things that I was sure you didn't really care about. I thought it was just pre-performance jitters. You were trying to shake off the nervousness by talking non-stop, I told myself.

I was gazing at you from afar as you were introducing your first song for the night when it hit me.

You knew, didn't you?

Note: Again, that is (username) BambooMuzakLive's Instragram picture you're seeing above.

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