v e n t r i l o q u i s m

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          His long fingers skim over the white keys, feeling their smooth surface before skipping to the black ones. The glossy surface of the keys almost acting like a mirror for his expressionless face as he stares down at them. To you, it was an ordinary piano; but, for him it was a way to express himself.

          The window pane let the sun beams in, making all the dust particles in the room visible as they float and wiggled. The sun rays hit the side of his face and illuminated the light in his crystal blue eyes. Heaving a sigh, he started by gently pressing on three of the white and one of the black keys in a rhythm; creating a beautiful melody.

          His thoughts beautified his harmony, making it even more lovely. His dark thoughts pressed on the deep tunes while his imaginations bewitched the rhythm; inked with a million unsaid words.

          It was an aesthetic piece of ventriloquism. How? You ask, its because his thoughts, his feelings, his emotions, his imaginations and his demons controlled him like a ventriloquist, for him while he was the doll - they spoke each and everything they wanted him to say, but he never did.


Copyright © 2016 Syeda Fatima

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