103 31 1

Alexander Aurelius Pella

The daylight finally starts seeping through the large windows of the master suite of my ranch when the frosted glass windows turns clear automatically at noon, but they're still obscured by a layer of tint to block the heat of the desert sun out. Either I have died and finally went to Elysium, or I have finally found my wife. Our legs are tangled up, and I'm completely coiled around her; her body is lying on top of mine while my arms are caging her possessively, protectively and avariciously, her head tucked at the crook of my arm, her hair sprawled on my pillow and my shoulder, our scents and the smell of sex and musk are mingled and united in a heady concoction as we fell asleep after a long night of lovemaking, my penis still inside her, unwilling to separate from her even in sleep.

She groans, and inhales. A very soft, "Alexander," comes out of her lips barely decipherable, but it's there. Her voice carries a deep seated plea. An almost whimper escapes her lips. I softly caress her hair, careful not to jostle her. She's dreaming of our past. My fingers trail on her back slowly, sensually. She moves, but I encase her between my legs to not to break our connection. Feeling my cock inside her, and my fingers on her back, her eyelids crack open slightly.

"Good morning, angel," I whisper to Elissa. Her dark heavy lashes curtain her sleepy sapphire blues, and brief sadness crosses her eyes, but then a resolute decision passes through her gaze and finally a smile slowly creeps up on her lips.

"Hi," she whispers shyly in a soft voice. The sound of her voice makes my erection grow into a cocked gun position, stretching the insides of her sex, reaching into the depths of her secret spot.

"You must be sore from last night, but..." I say and my cock twitches its protest inside her sex. Even though Nephilims heal faster, I know she hasn't reclaimed herself fully yet. I have to show restraint when it comes to her body. But the depth of my desire is so ferocious for Elissa; I can easily lose myself in her body. I have to summon all my faculties to harness and control my lust and ardor. But, maybe I'm not giving her enough credit. I'm still in complete awe of her for having presented enormous strength in facing Phlegethon last night and she saved Anthony. As I run my fingers over her throat, I notice that her superficial cut from the glaive has healed itself and not even a scar is left in its place. Despite her evident strengths, she'll retain her human frailties until she fully regains her memories. I'm torn inside because I want to protect her even from myself, but I also desperately want to fuck her senseless right now; my cock is starved for her, ravenous to ride her hard, deep and nonstop until at least the edge of the feeling dulls. Who am I kidding? How could the yearning of two centuries subside for the woman I have loved all of my existence? Yet, I still have to show restraint when it comes to her body. I'm the strongest Nephilim; and what's more I don't want her to remember our time here to be rough; but pleasing, unforgettable, and spectacular.

"...but," I continue wetting my bottom lip, and I don't get a chance to continue. She lifts her head up off the crook of my arm, leans down and capturing my lower lip between hers, she starts sucking it in rhythmic pulls, expertly. When she slightly sinks her teeth into the flesh of my lip, my cock fully comes alive, swelling up and aching for friction. She just fucking took me over by preemptive strike! Shit! It's hotter than Hades! Angel, you have only to ask.

I sit up in one swift move with her clutching my hair, and she's still sucking my lower lip. My tongue darts out, and with one swooping motion, I force her lips to close over mine. When our lips touch, a jolt of electricity goes through our bodies; my soft and gentle kiss turns passionate and feverish. Her tongue hesitantly enters into my mouth and I capture and suck it making her groan and then graze over it with my teeth. I swallow her yearning moans as my tongue enters into her mouth and sweeping inside, stroking her tongue in deep sensual licks. A shiver goes through her body, and she clings to me tighter, her fingers pulling my hair, her body shifting as she's straddling my hips, her sex strokes my cock, gripping it tight, not wanting to let go.

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