Chapter seven

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Everyone has a story, but not everyone embraces it

"Pssst Dennis"I yelled as I threw rocks at his window. I see him open his window and look out. "Hi Katherine"he smiles. "Hello"I smile. "Why did you throw rocks at my window"he asks. Dennis is obvious to the world, People please don't mind him. "Knocking is too mainstream"I raise an eyebrow. Even I had to laugh at that. After he sort of, kinda finished laughing he said"Myra's here wanna come in". "Yeah I guess"I shrug. If you didn't know before well my other friend is Myra. "K I'll go open the door for you"he says leaving his window. I walked all the way to the other side of the house and stood in front of the door. "I heard about your mother and her boyfriend"he says hugging me. "It's alright"I shrug. "They said that the people that killed them took you"he says worried. No I am the people that killed them. "I convinced Jonathan to the say that, I didn't want microphones shoved in my face"I shrug. "Same ole Katherine"he smirks. "Yep that's me"I say walking in the house.

"Katherineeeeeeeeeee"Myra yells. "Myraaaaaaaaa"I imitate her. "I haven't seen you in weeks"she says. "I know"I shrug. "Are you double mourning"she asks curious. "Nope, just walking around this town"I shrug. "Oh cool, it's too get your mind off things right"she asks. Myra is my friend but sometimes she asks a buttload of questions and it kinda gets annoying. "Yeah"I lie.

I wish I could tell her, no Myra the truth is that I murdered my mom and step dad, I even got to see my real dad, turns out he faked his death, so now I'm walking around aimlessly with a guy around my age who knows more about me than you probably do and I know bits and pieces of him. Of course I couldn't tell her that.

"So how's life"I ask changing the subject. We spoke until 10, where I had to go and leave to grams just invade anyone got worried. Their not worried about you, they pretend that they care, their just here to crush you, especially that ciel. Ugh there's been this voice in my head and it just can stop. Even when I know it's lying it somehow convinces me to have second thoughts. Does ciel pretend to be friendly? Is grams a person meant to destroy my happiness? Ugh sometimes my imagination goes a bit too far. Mind you, I envision people die. Maybe that's just me.

I continued to get lost in my thoughts, thinking about every little detail about the last few days. It was almost scary to think, I Katherine Marie Black is a murderer. Then again everyone saw it coming. To the harsh look I would give someone as I imagine their death to the evil grin that appears as I finish the job.

"Hurry Katherine, it's almost dark, you don't want the murderers to come after you"Ciel laughs behind me. "Where did you come from"I ask confused. "I was out in the woods then I saw you walking but it didn't look like you were aware of your surroundings, it was like you were there without being there"he try's to explain. "I get it, stop thinking about it, you might strain your brain"I say. "I'm smarter than you think"he smirks walking into grams house. Oh that fucker. "She's back"Ciel announces as I walk into the house.

"Oh thank god, I was starting to get worried"grams says with a hand on her chest. Lair lair pants on fire, lie again I'll stab with desire. The murder in me is talking.

"Yeah you had her worried"Ciel says immaturely snapping me out of thought. "Sorry grams"I apologize to grams and sneakily 'like a snake in the grass' give Ciel the finger.

"So where did you go kath"grams asks. Of course she asks,I'm a freaking murderer for pete's sake. "Dennis house,both him and Myra were there"I shrug. "Oh next time you see them please tell them I said hi"she smiles and returns to whatever she was doing previously.

"Where did you really go"Ciel whispers behind me. "My friend Dennis house"I say. "Ok"he walks away. His voice had a hint of suspicion and something else, I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"How long are you guys staying here"grams asks pulling spices from the cupboard. "I didn't plan on leaving, I have no where else to go"I shrug sitting on the couch. "NO"she says! What. "Ahem, sorry I didn't mean that, I meant that you shouldn't stay here, out there in the woods you'll find more about yourself then living her could ever do you"she says dropping her knife on the table.

"Especially traveling with friends"she says referring to Ciel. Why won't she understand, Ciel is a person not my friend, I know nothing about him. "I like it here and when I'm out in the woods I'm practically alone"I explain. "Umm I don't mean to interrupt but what am I, chopped liver"Ciel says in a joking tone. "No your Ciel"I playfully roll my eyes. "The one and only"he places his hands on his hips and struts away. "He sure is one character"gram laughs. "Yeah he is, how do you know him anyway"I ask? She as she was about to answer Ciel comes barging in. "Did you guys know that um I have um really dark brown hair but umm sometimes it looks black"he says nervously, scratching the back of his neck. It seemed like Ciels eyes were focusing on grams, I did she her slightly nod. What were they up too? Their planning their murder, they j hate you and wanna get rid of you. Oh shut up!

Once I snapped back into concentration, I noticed Ciel was whispering to grams. What happened? Having nothing to do I sit down on the couch and start to skin the hand I stole. I just wanted the bone. Just the bones. The skin will rot eventually and I don't want to walk around with rotten flesh.

"I still don't understand why you cut that off"Ciel says sitting next to me. "And I still don't understand why your sitting next to me"I snap. "Woah calm down"he says putting his arms up in surrender. "Listen I don't have time to talk to you"I say putting the hand away and my knife. "Where you going"he asks looking up at me. "Somewhere in neverland"I shrug leaving the house.

What to do? What to do? That question crowded my mind. "Katherine"someone says behind me. "Huh"I say turning around. "Where are you going"Ciel asks. "On an adventure, go back to grams house, you'll see me tomorrow"I walk away. "Whereeeee"Ciel asks like a child. "I don't know, why do you care anyways, leave me alone"I snap.

"No can do"Ciel smiles catching up to me. "Ok so your following me, can't get creeper than that"I say trying to walk faster than Ciel. "Hey be happy it's me not a complete stranger"he says. You are a stranger. "I barely know anything about you"I say raising an eyebrow. "Ok ask anything your jet black heart desires"he smirks. "Ok whatever"I shrug.

"I asked for your full name"
"I just go by Ciel"
"Whatever,umm favorite color"
"Midnight blue"
"Uh ok, favorite animal, I guess"
"And finally have you killed a person before"

No reply. Ciel just stood there in front of me looking at his shoes.

"Yes, I've killed a person before, not only a person, I've killed people, when I was a child, I grew up with two sisters and a brother, my mother worked as a lawyer and my father was a brain surgeon, my parents were spoken highly of, all that talk went to their head, they expected their children to succeed at everything, my sisters had the best grades in town, no one smarter than them as for my brother, there was no sport he couldn't play, my parents loved them dearly, as for me, well I couldn't play sports, I wasn't that smart, and my social skills were horrible, so my parents shunned me, they ignored me, then I found something I was good at, art, everyone around me knew me for my drawings or paintings and even sometimes my sculptures, but according to my parents art wasn't important, that didn't stop me of course, then one day something happened between my parents, my father demanded a divorce, after the papers were signed they split us up, my sisters went to live with my mom and my brother was to live with my dad, I too was supposed to live with my dad but he didn't want that, not even my mother, this didn't anger me but it did have some effect on me, I found a way to lure both of my parents and all three of my siblings into the forest, once they arrived I tied them to a tree and with one slice I took their head off, my parents got a bit more brutal death, once I had finished chopping their heads of I craved a hole where their heart is at and took the heart from their body's, once both hearts were out of the body I threw the hearts into the lake and walked away hoping to find another town, which so happens to be this one" Ciel shrugs.

Wow so that's his story. There was an awkward silence after that, then Ciel broke the silence by saying "so where do you want to go". "I don't know"I shrug, I was still thinking about what Ciel said. Then I remember what that note said when I first received my knife murder is just a word with a strong meaning. Whatever I can continue thinking about this later I don't want to strain my brain.

(Yay I finally updated, sorry I had school ugh 😒andyways I got inspiration for this story well bye hope you enjoy learning a bit more about Ciel 😋byeee)

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