Chapter eleven

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Welcome to a world where dreams become nightmares

"I know I asked you this already but I'm going to ask again anyways, do you plan on staying here"Ciel asks. I was still sitting down on the couch removing the flesh from the hand. "I haven't decided yet"I shrug not bothering to return his glare. "Oh"he says in a deflated voice.

After that both of us returned to silence. He was doing whatever he was doing and I was removing the flesh from the hand. For a baby it sure did have a lot of flesh; and let's not speak about the veins and the blood.

"Can I ask you another question"Ciel asks looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah fire away"I shrug. "How did you feel when you found out that your father was alive?"he asks, curiosity staining his face. "Well I was angry, and I was dying to hurt him in a worst way he hurt me, you know what they say dark hearts don't break they bruise, and to this day I still think of worst ways I could have ended his life"I spat with disgust. 

"Are you afraid?"he asks. "Hmm?"I ask. "Like are you afraid of happiness, I don't know if you noticed but anytime a person gets to happy it's like the world doesn't agree with them, haven't you noticed? When I was a young boy I was happy and as I got older life just brought my spirits down. Do you know what I mean?"he says looking blankly at the ceiling. Yeah I do know what you mean, what you just said is the story of my life nothing more and nothing less, that's why I killed them, they took my happiness away."Yeah,I do know what you mean, it's like whenever someone gets to happy something bad always happens"I add on. "Hmm yeah,it's the story of my life"he says closing his eyes.

After he fell asleep, I sat there on the couch thinking. Why is life so complicated? Why can't we plan a future and stuck with it? What's with trails and tribulations? Why do I live in a world where the largest dreams become the greatest nightmares? Why is every question I ask not have an answer? What if I had the chance to kill myself and not regret it? Do I have anything to lose anyway, most of my family is dead?

I've never had suicidal thoughts before, so why am I getting them now? Is it because everyone around me is dying? Where's that wall I had to block the thoughts out? What's happening to me? I think I'm not brave, I think I'm a mess of broken dreams, a broken childhood and finally a broken soul. And a tear slips. One after the other, until a tiny puddle forms. I didn't wipe them away I watched I little splash. I didn't try to stop it, I watched it. I watched it as if it was a movie, but that's a lie this little puddle is what my life is now, how I feel, how I act, what I do and what I embrace. I used to be stone cold, an anti-social with two friends, now I'm just a mess, an orphan and more than the rest, a murder. I am sad to say this is what my life became, not let me rephrase that, this is what I became.

"Are you alright"Ciel asks. Wiping my tears away I say"yeah I was just thinking". "How about you stop thinking and go do something, life too short to dwell on the past"he says getting up from the couch. Wasn't he sad a few minutes, bipolar I guess. "There's nothing to do"I shrug. "You never know unless you go out and venture"he smiles. "Yeah you know what venturing can do, it can kill you, so I prefer to stay here until I decide what to do with my life"I say setting my knife down. "You were just crying a few minutes ago not deciding what to do"he says. "Whatever, so what do you want to do"I ask. "I don't know, you could busy your brother, I um have some business to"he says putting his backpack on. A bit of silver shined in his pocket. What was he up to? "Yeah sure lets go"I shrug.


"Well bye I'll see you later"Ciel says turning around. "Ok"I shrug opting the door to my former house. Locking the door behind me Jonathan pops out of no where. "Katherine"he says eyes wide. "Jonathan"I mock him. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages"he hugs me. "Um personal space"I say trying to breath. "Oh right sorry, anyways what are you doing here"he asks. "Oh nothing I just stopped by"I shrug sitting down on the couch.

"Dad was alive"I say blankly. "Huh"he say facing me. "I saw dad, he was married to this woman and had two new born babies"I explained. "What do you mean by "was" Katherine"Jonathan asks "I killed him"I say in a monotone voice. "And his wife and two kids, this is the daughters bones"I say passing Jonathan the hand. "Why did you kill him"he asks. "Jonathan, he faked his death, he left us here to suffer, he didn't care, he started a new family. He said that I died, he didn't even recognize me Jonathan, do you know how that feels"I explain. "No I don't"he says looking down at his shoes. "Well you should be happy, he begged for mercy, he didn't care about us but when it was his time to die he begged for mercy, he was at the verge of tears"I say. Jonathan stayed silent. "Anyways I saw grandma, she's fine"I shrug wanting to forget about dads situation. "Oh that's where you are"he says. "Not really, I was at the woods first, and I met someone and he just so happened to know grams for a reason they won't tell me, so we went to her house"I explain. "He?"Jonathan asks. Oh no protective brother coming. "Yeah"I shrug. "How old is he"Jonathan ask. "19"I shrug. "Any sexual contact between the both of you"he asks. "Eww no what the fuck Jonathan"I say responding to his question. "Just making sure"he shrugs. I've never seen this side of Jonathan.


"Katherine get the door"Jonathan yells from his room. "Ugh,why"I yell back. "Because your closer"he yells. "Whatever"I shrug getting up. "What do you want"I say as I open the door. "I um need a little help"Ciel smiles.

(Did you enjoy😋 I hope you did andyways hi I'm typing this at night becuse I have no life and I can't go to sleep, soo yeah I'll try to update somewhere around Monday/Wednesday if I don't well idk, typing takes a lot of work, well bye off to type the next chapter or sleep)

(Sorry I typed this yesterday before I went to sleep,yah soo byeee)

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