Popular Girls...
We all know every school has the "popular" girls and sometimes they're nice... And others they're not....
But what really ticks me off about them is that they always pretty much have to have some drama and someone always gets hurt and that's just stupid! I hate when people cry or look like they're on the verge of tears even if I don't like them it still makes me sad.
And some of the popular girls are just real bitches who hate everyone who's not popular because they're different or don't like the things you don't. Nobodies going to like everything you like! And not everyone is going to agree with EVERYTHING you say because people should be aloud to have to have you're own opinion.
I know not all popular girls are like the stereotypical ones but some of them are and just like hate everything and everyone that isn't "perfect" or wears a different type of clothes or just are plain different.
Oh and another thing I can't stand about popular girls is that they think they can do or get anything they want. Like they approach a random person and ask for something and when they don't get it they just keep asking and asking. Because one time I saw this popular girl try to talk to the shy boy at my school (and he just doesn't really like people period except for his friend) and she sat right next to him in his personal bubble and was all like "hey!" and he was like "go away' and she didn't so he got up and sat at another table by himself again and guess what she did??? yeah that's right she followed him!!!! that just made me mad because HE WANTED TO BE ALONE!!!!
Ugh... this is why I hate girls like that...
rant over.
1. Directionator
2. Our fandom
3. Bulling
My Rants
Short StoryJust a collection of my rants. ;) If I offend you I'm sorry, just sharing my 100% honest option on some things. And if you don't like that get the fuck out... Sorry not sorry... *I'll have a rant whenever I need to rant*