The Bellas

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Brie Bella

Now I love Brie but somehow she ticks me off every single time.

Whenever Nikki has a match, she does something in Nikki's favor. Now I know it's all scripted but still, it makes me mad because I don't pay freakin' $9,99 to see Brie interfering a match!

Which gets me to their feud last Summer. They both act like nothing happened but in fact something did happen.

Brie was wrong to go to John and talk about marriage and children. From the moment Nikki and John started dating, he made it clear NO marriage and children!

So don't go whining that he doesn't want to marry and have babies, he already warned you. Why do we women have to be so stubborn? He isn't going to change his mind because your sister came and spoke to him about it.

The day John will want those things it's either he got struck by lightning or it's with another woman, which I highly doubt.

Nikki Bella

Just like Brie, I love Nikki too but she ticks me off too.

As twins there is always one who is a little bit more evil and Nikki is the one. Honestly I think Nikki uses Brie to retain her a Divas championship.

I'm not going to talk about their last stunt they pulled off.


Yes I am yelling because I can.

Nikki betrayed Brie to crawl up into Stephanie McMahon her ass and kiss it. Who in the world betrays her own sister, not to mention TWIN sister for an outsider? I don't care if it's scripted.

Either that damn paycheck had six 0's on it or they were really fighting but still, she is your sister. YOU DON'T DO THAT.

Come on all sisters fight. Even I fight with my sisters. There was two rules my mother has;

1/ Make sure y'all don't kill each other because I'm not burying anyone and I'm not paying for a funeral.

2/ No matter how mad you get at each other, you are family and family sticks together.

But there is one thing I hope that will happen one day is that BOTH Alicia Fox and Brie Bella get banned from ringside forever! And if not, I'm sending WWE a hate mail where I declare where I want my money back!

At NOC I predict that Nikki will loose because either Brie or Alicia will do something stupid or she does!

Nikki, Brie I still love you but you break my heart every time. As for Alicia Fox, go and learn how to walk properly and throw away that dead bird that you care with you, then we can talk again.

Why does Brie always has a finger up as if she wants permission to talk? In Amsterdam that is a sign for a whore to be picked up at the corner of the street. Whoops🙈

Leave your thoughts on the rant at the comment box. And till next time!

Timber signing out! ✌🏻️

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