Chapter 1

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The she-kit squinted open her eyes. She gasped when she saw the nurserey wall looming up above her. Wow! Everything is so gigantic!

Gorsekit felt a paw nudge her in the side, making her mewl in suprise. "Sunfeather! Go fetch Finchclaw so he can see his kits. I think Gorsekit just opened her eyes."

"Right away Morningpelt." There was a scampering noise and the other she-cat dissapeared. Gorsekit wrinkled her small muzzle, I wish I would have turned around fast enough so I could see what Sunfeather looks like.

Maybe I can see what Morningpelt's fur color is. Gorsekit turned her head shakily to face her mother. Her head felt really heavy.

When she laid eyes on Morningpelt, she was there for a spilt second, her bright ginger pelt glowing in the morning light, before it was blanked out by black. Oh no! What just happened?

There was a ginger she-cat standing on a flat, black path when it was just starting to get dark. Gorsekit tried to move her paws, but she found they were rooted to the ground. The ginger she-cat was crouching in the middle of the path, her gaze fixed on a small furry thing hiding in the bushes. Gorsekit felt the ground beneath her paws beginning to shake, but the she-cat took no interest in it. Two bright, glowing eyes appeared out of the fog, it's huge black paws roaring as they drew closer to the she-cat.

"Look out!" Gorsekit shrieked, but it was too late. The metal beast struck the ginger cat, throwing her bleeding, broken body into the bushes. "Oh...oh no, " Gorsekit whimpered when she saw the ginger she-cat's corpse.

"Oh Gorsekit! You've opened your eyes!"

The dark scene faded away, and before her was the ginger she-cat, expect she was alive and smelled like milk.

"Wait! It thought you were." Gorsekit's voice trailed off as Morningpelt licked her head. I thought you were just killed by that metal-beast.

Morningpelt gazed outside, her new warm. "I think your brother, Blackkit, is playing with Finchclaw. Why don't you go and find them?"

"Okay!" Gorsekit mewed and tottered outside the stick den. The light of day made her narrow her eyes. I never thought the moor would be this bright.

As her small eyes adjusted, more cats came into her vison. Again, more awful deaths floated across her eyes, making her shudder. A solid brown she-cat sniffed red berries and ate some. After a few steps, she fell over; a stream of blood leaking from her open jaws. An orange and white tom was fighting with another cat, a strong looking brown tabby. He shrieked when the other cat bit his throat and fell to the ground. Another died old in his nest, another fell into a big space of water and sank...

Gorsekit mewled in fear, "Somebody, make it stop!" Blood was everywhere, turning the clearing red.

"Make what stop?"

A ginger and white tom was standing over her, his shape blotted out the sun. Gorsekit blinked and looked upward at the tom. He was the tom that was killed in battle.

Blackkit, his fur black as night, tottered up beside the big warrior. His green eyes were wide as he mewed. "This is Finchclaw, our father!"

Gorsekit shuddered when she saw the black tom dying in a nest, coughing his lungs out sickly. His bright green eyes were faded and waterey as he choked.

Finchclaw sniffed Gorsekit's speckled brown fur. "Does Morningpelt know you're out here?"

Before Gorsekit could answer, Morningpelt rushed out of the nurserey towards Finchclaw. She licked his ear and mewed, "Oh Finchclaw! Aren't our kits wonderful?"

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